SBIR/STTR Award attributes
?-Ga2O3 is anticipated to revolutionize power systems with conduction losses >3000x superior to Si while the chip area can be >275x smaller. It has advantages in terms of the availability of high quality substrates grown from the melt and offers properties as a power electronics material beyond even SiC and GaN. In this program, we propose to demonstrate ?-Ga2O3 field effect transistors (FETs) with breakdown voltages >100 V and 1kV for applications in low cost attritable aircrafts and commercial planes. The program will focus on demonstrating ?-Ga2O3 FETs on wafers with 2-4” diameter to serve as a platform to meet the demand for power electronics both in civilian markets and Air Force needs. Agnitron will closely collaborate with Synoptics, the only domestic source for Ga2O3 to develop the process on large area wafers. For the success of the program, we assembled a team of renowned scientists with suitable expertise.