SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Efficient and accurate analysis is crucial for timely and cost-effective development of emerging vertical lift (EVL), including eVTOL and hybrid configurations. Due to similarities between conventional rotorcraft and EVL, many of the critical technologies for analysis of EVL are available in existing rotorcraft comprehensive analysis tools. However, existing rotorcraft analysis tools are tailored to the modeling and analysis of conventional rotorcraft, which have important distinctions with EVL configurations. Two primary distinctions are EVL's use of distributed propulsion (often with 6+ rotors), and the use of electric powertrains with variable rotor speed for thrust control. This contrasts with conventional rotorcraft which typically rely on a main and tail rotor operating at a constant rotor speed. Therefore, the objective of this effort is to more effectively support the development of emerging vertical lift by enhancing a leading rotorcraft analysis tool (RCAS) for EVL's unique needs. Enhancements within this effort include 1) computational efficiency for full vehicles with numerous rotors, each with large numbers of degrees of freedom, through parallelization, 2) aeroelastic full vehicle modeling with complex load paths and mutual interactions between aerodynamics and structure, 3) variable RPM rotors, 4) electric motor dynamics, and 5) trim and control with redundant control options.