SBIR/STTR Award attributes
AiRANACULUS team proposes Multifunctional Multi-channel Scalable Cognitive Electromagnetic wide band Transceiver (MUSCET) System that will meet and exceed Air Force’s requirements to develop a Low-Cost Scalable Ultrawideband Receiver. MUSCET will provide a distributed multi-function RF sensing capability for attritable platforms supporting integration into a dynamic battlefield environment within the sensing grid construct of the Air Battle Management System (ABMS). MUSCET will support common interfaces such as Sensor Open Systems Architecture (SOSA). MUSCET will provide a scalable Receiver RF personality which may be directly connected with structurally-integrated conformal antenna arrays. MUSCET will leverage COTS open architecture approach to reduce cost and be form factored to integrate inside the SWaP limitations of platforms such as the AgilePod(tm) and Valkyrie XQ58A nose cones. AiRANACULUS is working on several DoD programs including NASA sponsored SBIR called as Coss-Layer Wide-Band Cognitive Communications Architecture Enabled by Intelligent Direct Digital Transceiver (CLAIRE) where it is developing an 8 Channel Wide-band Sensor which can tune from UHF to 28 GHz and can provide Instantaneous Bandwidth > 3 GHz TODAY. This capability is based on IQ-Analog F1000 ASIC Direct Digital Transceiver (DDTRX) technology. The F1000 is a 4x4 transceiver system that consists of four 64 Gsps Analog to Digital Converters (ADCs) and four 64Gsps Digital to Analog Converters (DACs). The wide-band, high sample rate capability allows us to sense a much larger bandwidth (3 GHz IBW) than is commercially available today without the need for external components. The Processing Engine consists of both Xilinx UltraScale+, as well as Nvidia GPU based backend which enables high speed, 100Gbps, Data Offloading, Signal Processing and Deep Machine Learning. We recognize that the Air Force is interested in developing the RF personality board using Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC