3air is a blockchain-based telecom platform focused on bringing broadband internet, digital TV, and telephony to millions of underserved Africans.
3air is a blockchain-based telecom platform focused on bringing broadband internet, digital TV, and telephony to millions of underserved Africans.
Technical details
3air is a token built on the Cardano blockchain. It has a limited supply with integrated mechanisms that make it possible for token buybacks and token burning. 3air needs to accompany each transaction on the platform and it's used as the payment method for all provided digital services including digital identities, internet broadband services, digital TV, and IP telephony.
There is a fully fledged loyalty and rewards system being build around the 3air token with staking in the foreground. 3air is also a community token with voting rights, deciding on the community pool funds usage and gaining more power with the full decentralization of 3air in the future. All added features of the platform, like collateralized microloans will be bound to the 3air token use.
What is 3air
With 3air, millions of people and businesses in African cities will have access to high-speed Internet. Digital work, banking, education, health and entertainment solutions are accessible immediately.
We have identified an amazing and field-tested technology that will bring broadband internet connections to places, where it is impossible or uneconomical to build it traditional way. With a strong user base, we will develop, test, and deploy a blockchain platform that will allow tokenization of telecom services, revolutionizing the way we perceive and consume them.
To drive the adoption of our platform and make the transition easier we have decided to create our own customer base. One that has not much prior experience with telecoms, one that is eager to learn and one that is more and more relying on blockchain.
We will help bring fast, stable broadband to cities of Africa, starting with Nigeria and DRC, bringing people the ability to have a reliable connection to the outside world and be included in the global educational, health, financial and business economies.
Connecting the unconnected will bring millions of new users to our platform and with growth comes power. Power to connect with others and power to make radical changes to an industry, together.
3air is a blockchain-based telecom platform focused on bringing broadband internet, digital TV, and telephony to millions of underserved Africans.