Name | Description | Patent Applicant | Current Assignee | Inventor | Patent Jurisdiction | Patent Number | Date of Patent | ||
Patent 7886980 was granted and assigned to UCHIDA YOKO CO., LTD. on February, 2011 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 7886980 | February 15, 2011 | |||||||
Patent D564868 was granted and assigned to UCHIDA YOKO CO., LTD. on March, 2008 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | D564868 | March 25, 2008 | |||||||
Patent D569231 was granted and assigned to UCHIDA YOKO CO., LTD. on May, 2008 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | D569231 | May 20, 2008 | |||||||
Patent D572948 was granted and assigned to UCHIDA YOKO CO., LTD. on July, 2008 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | D572948 | July 15, 2008 | |||||||
Patent 8074415 was granted and assigned to UCHIDA YOKO CO., LTD. on December, 2011 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 8074415 | December 13, 2011 | |||||||
Patent D599649 was granted and assigned to UCHIDA YOKO CO., LTD. on September, 2009 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | D599649 | September 8, 2009 | |||||||
Patent D572570 was granted and assigned to UCHIDA YOKO CO., LTD. on July, 2008 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | D572570 | July 8, 2008 | |||||||
Patent D569228 was granted and assigned to UCHIDA YOKO CO., LTD. on May, 2008 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | D569228 | May 20, 2008 | |||||||
Patent D598735 was granted and assigned to UCHIDA YOKO CO., LTD. on August, 2009 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | D598735 | August 25, 2009 | |||||||
Patent D598736 was granted and assigned to UCHIDA YOKO CO., LTD. on August, 2009 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | D598736 | August 25, 2009 | |||||||
Patent D572571 was granted and assigned to UCHIDA YOKO CO., LTD. on July, 2008 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | D572571 | July 8, 2008 | |||||||
Patent D567397 was granted and assigned to UCHIDA YOKO CO., LTD. on April, 2008 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | D567397 | April 22, 2008 | |||||||
Patent D569230 was granted and assigned to UCHIDA YOKO CO., LTD. on May, 2008 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | D569230 | May 20, 2008 | |||||||
Patent D559665 was granted and assigned to UCHIDA YOKO CO., LTD. on January, 2008 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | D559665 | January 15, 2008 | |||||||
Patent 7036438 was granted and assigned to UCHIDA YOKO CO., LTD. on May, 2006 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 7036438 | May 2, 2006 |