Name | Description | Patent Applicant | Current Assignee | Inventor | Patent Jurisdiction | Patent Number | Date of Patent | ||
Patent 10327351 was granted and assigned to MacStadium on June, 2019 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 10327351 | June 18, 2019 | |||||||
Patent 9756765 was granted and assigned to MacStadium on September, 2017 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 9756765 | September 5, 2017 | |||||||
Patent 9763354 was granted and assigned to MacStadium on September, 2017 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 9763354 | September 12, 2017 | |||||||
Patent D762217 was granted and assigned to MacStadium on July, 2016 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | D762217 | July 26, 2016 | |||||||
Patent 10602636 was granted and assigned to MacStadium on March, 2020 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. | 10602636 | March 24, 2020 |