Patent attributes
A papermaker's fabric includes top MD yarns, top CMD yarns, bottom MD yarns, bottom CMD yarns and stitching yarns. The fabric is formed in a plurality of repeating units, each of the repeating units including a set of top MD yarns, a set of top CMD yarns interwoven with the set of top MD yarns to form a top fabric layer, a set of four or eight bottom MD yarns, a set of bottom CMD yarns interwoven with the set of four or eight bottom MD yarns to form a bottom fabric layer and a set of stitching yarns interwoven with the top and bottom fabric layers. The bottom MD yarns and the bottom CMD yarns are interwoven in a series of repeat units in which each of the bottom MD yarns passes below two nonadjacent bottom CMD yarns to form bottom machine direction knuckles, each bottom machine direction knuckle being separated from one adjacent knuckle formed by that bottom machine direction yarn by two bottom CMD yarns and separated from another adjacent knuckle by four CMD yarns.