The invention provides a portable wearable trucker pillow. The pillow structure is poly fiber or foam padding. The trucker pillow functions to protect the arms, face, and upper body wearing pillows on each arm. The truck driver does have auto collision that causes flying glass and debris that causes facial and upper body injuries. The trucker pillows give the drivers some added protection and support from a hard uncomfortable surface while driving. The straps or Velcro mid-section and hook loop are used as a carry-on aide. The pouch has underneath elastic bands or and Velcro are structures that assist the drivers arm snug to a fitted attached to a pillow. These pillows provide a barrier, protection, and support to the arms, while driving cars and trucks. The pillow also is an arm free device giving over the road truck drivers safety for DOT compliance a nonstationary arms free pillow. The pillow will be also used in sports activities as a protective barrier for face and upper body.