Space Misfits is a 3D Multiplayer Space play-to-earn game built with ENJIN Blockchain technology.
Space Misfits offers opportunities and gameplay mechanics to scratch every possible gaming itch:
Like collecting resources? Mine valuable minerals and materials across the asteroid belts, while avoiding other players and NPCs in the process.
Space Misfits is a celebration of human greed, opportunism, and dabbing on the wreckage of your enemies. Of course, there's potential to celebrate collaboration, strategy, and the best of human ingenuity—in Space Misfits, you have the freedom to do whatever you want out in the far reaches of space.
As a sandbox MMO, the emphasis isn't on following a linear narrative; it's about letting players create and experience their own story for themselves. Be as virtuous or as evil as you like, Space Misfits doesn't judge.
MMOs offer amazing experiences, challenging PvP gameplay, and immersive escapism—but what you experience, create, and do in-game has zero effect outside of your chosen server.
Space Misfits aims to change that by offering players more control over the game as a whole. By tokenizing key assets as NFTs on the blockchain, Space Misfits empowers its players like never before. Ever wanted to truly own a space station, or even a planet? Now you can.
They've even created an in-game currency with real-world value, using Enjin's JumpNet blockchain to create a play-to-earn economy.
Own, monetize, control access, monopolize services, or sell it all on for a profit—it's your prerogative.