MyOutDesk is a company offering virtual assistants.
MyOutDesk is a Virtual Assistant company offering virtual assistants.
Founded in 2008, MyOutDesk is a provider of virtual staffing in the real estate industry, serving more than 5000 clients.
MyOutDesk is the leading Virtual Assistant company trusted by entrepreneurs and business owners to help them with their outsourcing needs.
MyOutDesk is a Virtual Assistant company
Founded in 2008, MyOutDesk is the largest, most stable & reputablea provider of virtual staffing in the real estate industry, serving more than 5000 clients, including half of RealTrendsTM Top 10 teams, MyOutDesk is the trusted Virtual Assistant platform used by the most innovative companies.
MyOutDesk provided a virtual assistant for a rental property company. The assistant handled guest relations, payment authorization, notetaking, and data entry.
MyOutDesk's virtual assistant has exceeded expectations and is a vital part of the client's company. The assistant and MyOutDesk communicated very well. Their system was user-friendly and simple to use.