Town in Moscow Oblast, Krasnogorsk — a city inMoscow Region Of Russia.Krasnogorsk City District Center (until January 2017 — Krasnogorsk municipal district) within the framework of the municipal structure
Krasnogorsk City District Center (until January 2017 — Krasnogorsk municipal district) within the framework of the municipal structure[3]; within the framework of the administrative-territorial structure of the region, it is a city of regional subordination with an administrative territory (until April 2017-the centerKrasnogorskcenter Krasnogorsk district).
The creation of an administrative center on the territory of Krasnogorsk is in the process of implementationMoscowimplementation Moscow region[9]: on the outskirts of the city, near the villageMyakininovillage inMyakininskayaMyakinino in Myakininskaya floodplain, near the Moscow Ring Road.MoscowRoad. Moscow Region Government House and buildingMoscow Regional Court, construction of a new building is underway forOffor Of the Moscow Regional Duma. The first station in the Moscow region is also located thereMoscow Metro — "Myakinino".
The city is located on the Moskva River and its tributary the riverBankeriver Banke, 22 km from the centerMoscowcenter Moscow (2 km from MKAD), directly adjacent to Moscow from the north-west.
The city of Krasnogorsk is located in the central part of the Moscow region, closely adjacent from the north-west to the capital of Russia (districtsPokrovskoe-Streshnevodistricts Pokrovskoe-Streshnevo, Mitino andStroginoand Strogino), on the left bank of the riverMoscowriver Moscow (the city is partially intersected by its left tributary, the riverBathhouseriver Bathhouse). The area of the city is 2565 ha.
The city of Krasnogorsk, as well as the wholeThewhole The Moscow region is located in the time zone designated by the international standard as the Moscow Time Zone (MSK/MSD). The offset relative to Coordinated Universal Time UTC is +3: 00 (MSD).
The locality lies on the spursOnspurs On the Smolensk-Moscow upland, the terrain gradually descends from the north-west of the city to the south and south-east, lying in the floodplain of the Moscow River. Gully erosion processes are common. Absolute elevation marks are in the region of 190-220 meters.
Pond in the manor parkZnamenskoye-Gubaylovopark Znamenskoye-Gubaylovo
With the beginningDuringbeginning During the Great Patriotic War, a people's militia battalion, a fighter battalion, and labor detachments were formed in Krasnogorsk, working on the construction of fortifications on the outskirts of Moscow[21]. At the beginning of the winter of 1941, heavy fighting took place a few kilometers from the outskirts of the city — near the villages of Kozino and Nefedyevo[28]. After the enemy was driven back, in February 1942, a revival of production began in the buildings of the evacuated optical plant[21].
After the defeat of the Germans near Moscow, a Special prisoner-of-war camp (UPVI NKVD of the USSR No. 27) was organized in Krasnogorsk, which contained German, Romanian, and Japanese prisoners of war [29], among whom were Field MarshalPaulusMarshal Paulus, an Austrian physician, later a well-known scientist and laureateThelaureate The Nobel Prize Konrad Lorenz. Prisoners of war (in total, about 50 thousand people passed through the camp) were used in the construction of Krasnogorsk and Moscow, as well as for work at surrounding enterprises[29]. In July 1943, the founding conference of anti-fascists from the Soviet Union was held in the optical factory club. "Free Germany" (NCSG). Many of the prisoners of war, activists of the NKSG, graduated from the Central Anti-fascist School in Krasnogorsk, which was transferred to the city fromGorkyfrom Gorky region in the spring of 1943. Since 1985, the Memorial Museum of German Anti-Fascists has been located in the building of the Central Anti-Fascist School.
In early 1945, a section of the Riga-bound railway was electrifiedMoscow-Rizhskayaelectrified Moscow-Rizhskaya — Nakhabino, an electric depot has been built in Nakhabino. March 5, 1945 via the stationPavshinostation Pavshino passed the first electric train[24].
2004 On October 28 Krasnogorsk was incorporated as a dacha villageOpalikhavillage Opalikha, as well as the village of Novo-Nikolskoye, the village of a Weaving factory, the village of Anikeyevka, Gorenosovo andAninoand Anino.
In the course of municipal reform, the law of the Moscow Region No. 70/2005-OZ of 28.02.2005 established an independent municipality on the territory of the city — the urban settlement of Krasnogorsk, which includes villages in addition to the cityGolevocity Golevo andIvanovskoye, as well as adjacent territories, the total area of the settlement was 6635 hectares[34]. Not included in the city limits, but attached to the settlement of eastern territoriesMyakininskaya floodplain forMoskvafor Moskva River, where you are locatedMoscowlocated Moscow Region Government House, Moscow Regional Court Building, shopping centerCrocus City, as well as the metro stationMyakininostation Myakinino.
This term has other meanings, seeKrasnogorsksee Krasnogorsk (values).