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Relatively recently, in the arsenal there were materials suitable for decorating a room and a kitchen, used interior concrete. What is it and what does it look like?
Interior concrete is essentially an artificial stone formed from various types of particles, water and a binder. So, for a countertop, sand, cement, water and an additive to improve the quality of the material act from specific components. From the composition follows the most important plus of such a natural surface - absolute environmental friendliness and naturalness of the components.
Interior concrete will decorate a room decorated in any of the urban design trends; it is a brutal and at the same time original item.
Interior concrete is not afraid of water, therefore it is effectively used in the production of countertops, sinks, cabinets and podiums for the bathroom. detrimental effect on him. For protection, an eye polymer does not appear on the surface, it causes the appearance of stains and damage and additional aesthetic qualities of the material, manifested by its matte or glossy sheen. In this form, the interior of the concrete will last for many years in the kitchen or bathroom.
The strength of a concrete structure is generally comparable to that of granite, but the polished surface is less resistant to possible damage and scratches that can occur, for example, when sharp objects fall.
Under the influence of high temperatures, concrete tends to turn white, this manifests itself at a temperature of 150 degrees: there will be no traces of hot dishes, and easily from red-hot dishes.
Is it possible to transform or decorate interior concrete? Since the material is natural, it retains the natural pattern, patina, porosity and other visual effects that make it unique. At the same time, at the request of customers, craftsmen often decorate concrete in the following ways:
-color pigments are added during production. It is possible to create almost any color and shade.
-they use stone chips, shell rock, colored glass, thus achieving an unusual structure. a similar variety is called - terrazzo.
-form a composition of concrete and natural wood, the composition can also be made with epoxy resin. and then - your imagination will help you.
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