neurosurgery & military surgeon, based in Russia, born in Turkmenistan
☀ СИСТЕМА ЕСТЕСТВЕННОГО ОЗДОРОВЛЕНИЯ, разработанная Галиной Сергеевной Шаталовой.
System of Natural Health
"The fittest survives"
(Herbert Spencer)
"The survival of the fittest" is a philosophy of life not given much attention to these days. Modern ‘high tech’ medicine frequently treats people like a flock of sheep that need a magic pill, which can keep them just healthy enough to function in society. Such an approach never helps however, because it does not take into consideration that in many cases the underlying cause of disease is the unhealthy mind of the ill person, who follows a harmful way of life that inevitably leads to health problems.
The cost of medicine and the spreading of diseases will continue to rise while people continue to neglect the foundations of good health:
1. Maintaining a strong body through physical training, 2. restoring a natural healthy environment in our living areas and work rooms, and 3. replacing harmful, processed foods produced by the American food industry, with natural whole foods - is the only way of living a healthy and productive life.
The idea of "The survival of the fittest" was excellently proven by the neurosurgeon (MD, PhD) Galina Shatalova (Галина Сергеевна Шаталова) (October 13, 1916 – December 14, 2011), when she decided to abandon her in all respects stellar career in conventional medicine and developed the System of Natural Health.
During her work as a clinical researcher in the Research Institute of Neurosurgery named after Nikolay Burdenko (Moscow, Russia), at the age of 59, she experienced two heart attacks. Being well aware that the third attack could be the last one, she began looking for alternative approaches to healing.
The System of Natural Health, which incorporates a very low calorie diet and intensive physical training of the body, was the brilliant results of her search. She not only dramatically changed her lifestyle and healed herself, but also used her system as naturopathy practitioner and helped thousands of ill people to get rid of bad diseases like cancers, diabetes, heart diseases and others and find their way to healthy lifestyle.
She was the author of many books on Natural Health. Her book Vybor Puti (The Choice of the Way), published in 1996, describes her system. The four elements of her System of Natural Health are:
• Correct breathing
• Healthy motion
• Hardening of the organism
• Appropriate nutrition
The house on the sand
(extract from the book "Vibor Puti" part II)
As reader can no doubt notice, a significant place in the first chapter is devoted to nutrition. Why? Firstly, because the composition of food determines to a large extent the chemical composition of the cells of a human body. This, in turn, directly affects all other processes: for example gas exchange, or such as thermoregulation or thinking.
The second reason why I pay much attention to nutrition, is that no other sphere of human activity is associated with so many pseudo-scientific views, bordering on superstition, and not in the least because a holistic coherent science of nutrition is not created in human society up to now, although significant steps were made in this direction. It’s quite sufficient to recollect the works by Pavlov on the physiology of digestion, and not less imortant work by contemporary Soviet scientist Academician A.M. Ugolev, and works in the field of food hygiene by G. Shelton.
The ruling theory of a balanced diet, which is based on average statistical data about the eating habits of the Germans in the middle of the last century, is not the real answer to almost any question related to an obvious fact: if a person daily consumes energy for work and functioning of the organism, it is necessary to compensate this energy consumption. But how? Only at the expense of energy released in the breaking of chemical bonds of alimentative substances. That is considered to be "calorification."
Caloric theory leaves no place in matters of food pluralism. The logic of its argument is straight - the daily diet of human beings should average 2500-3000 kilocalories, and there is no arguing against it. I am sure this is still worth debates.
In the first chapter I named some numbers, let's repeat them. Physicians-"calorists" recommend daily consumption on average of 80-100 grams of protein, 80-100 grams of fat, and 400-500 grams of carbohydrates. If a citizen decides to go solely on vegan food, but is guided with the mentioned standards, he (she) would have to eat about 25-30 pounds of vegetables, fruits and greens a day. If we consider that our stomach can hold about 300-400 grams of food a vegan would have to chew, without ceasing, all day long.
Meanwhile, the whole experience of millions of people, who refused to consume animal protein, i.e. meat, fish, eggs and milk, suggests that nothing like this happens, and vegans eat no more than "normal" people, who cannot imaging his(her) life without meat. And that means only one thing: a man, who consumes plants only, gets a lot lesser number of calories than recommended by "calorists", which indicates the inadequacy of the theory advocated.
In order to save this shaky, built on the sand building, supporters of this theory use all means available. Former Director of the Institute of Nutrition of AMS deceased Academician Alexander Pokrovsky, for example, paid special attention to the relationship between nature of diet and mental abilities. The experiments were conducted on rats. Some got the diet of meat, the others were kept on vegan foods solely. In the experiment both had to find a way out of the maze.
It turned out that the rats treated with meat spent less time. On this basis, the researcher concluded that people, eating meat, are smarter than their fellow-vegans, and therefore the theory of a balanced diet is basically correct. This interpretation is initially false, since it ignores the differences in the brains of rats and human species and the difference in their properties in the diet.
Feeding of each living species has its own peculiarities, which do not affect the mental abilities of animals. Is it possible, for example, to consider a predator being smarter than a monkey? Or assert that the lion is clever than elephant, horse is more stupid than tiger? And, finally, consider the fact that many prominent representatives of the human species, such as Pythagoras and Newton, Leo Tolstoy and Romain Rolland, Ilya Repin were staunch vegans?
On many raises and an example of Americans, people are known to be rationally thinking, which in recent decades have embarked on a vegetarian diet to get rid of the bulk of chronic disease. Even 15 years ago, 30 percent of U.S. residents have refused to consume meat.
Here, in passing, I note that the World Health Organization has reduced the recommended intakes of protein to 29-37 grams per day. And we continue to adhere to the previous standards only, delivering to already overcrowded hospitals more and more new kidney patients suffering from violations of protein metabolism.
Now back to the other "merits" of the theory of balanced nutrition. We stopped at that, before its supporters faced a dilemma how to "cram" 3000 kilocalories into an acceptable, from the standpoint of common sense, quantity of products. The solution was found at concentrations and optimization. Exit, bailout for the theorists and disastrous for us. Their train of thought is understandable in general. If the sugar contained in 100 grams of beetroot will give us only 40 kilocalories, is it not better to isolate it in pure concentrated form, and get about 600 kilocalories per 100 grams.
Same thing with the meat: processed into fat ham it provides 700 kilocalories. You can go through all foods that are produced by the food industry, and make sure that the companies designed exclusively for the destruction of full-needed food to man and turning it into high-calorie, but devoid of life, limited life organic matter. In this connection it is worth recalling that many world-famous scientists believe that the production of the concentrated diet optimizes and causes many chronic diseases, overcoming human society.
Article by G.S. Shatalova, published in the Journal "Nature and Man" № 7
(from the site
Medical science now persistently seeking ways to combat one of the negative consequences of scientific and technological progress - an avalanche-like increase in chronic diseases in humans. But it is becoming more and more obvious that the radical solution to the problem will be instilling a healthy, sustainable lifestyle in people. Today, more than ever, there was a need for a scientific approach to man as a complex biological system, a self-governing public, governed by objective laws of nature. Moreover, the human body is capable not only to regulate and restore the consistency of its internal environment, but also to improve, "if only the relevant conditions have been carried out," as the great I.P. Pavlov says.
I started the search for these "conditions" professionally in the 50's, as Fellow of the Institute of Neurosurgery, Academy of Medical Sciences, and continue this work today. Over the many years of medical practice I have been able to develop the basic elements of an integrated holistic healing of the human body by forces of nature. This system includes a proper diet, breathing, movement, temperature regulation and the appropriate mental attitude. But, of course, each person requires an individual approach.
What is the major of this system? I'll tell you slightly scholarly, but the most accurately – this is choosing the correct functioning of the body energy supply, it should best meet the physiological needs of the man coded by nature.
It is considered that all our energy needs our organism gets exclusively through energy of the food. Ran, for example, hundred-meter race - and spent some amount of calories. And to restore these calories, you need to eat a product containing the same number of calories. And the energy consumption of these products is determined by the methods of calorimetry, as if the wood is burned in a furnace. But is it correct doing so? The food is not wood, and the process of feeding cannot be compared with a simple combustion. I am convinced that by its nature, our body is able to compensate for the loses of energy with low-calorie diet. It's not about calories, but about the biological value of foods in their bioenergetic qualities.
The rationalization of the principles of this system required to conduct a series of experiments - first were experiments on myself, and then on human volunteers. One of the experiments was conducted in 1983. It was conducted under the supervision of an authoritative committee of All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Physical Culture (VNIIFK). In those days, the amateur runners planned to compete in a super marathon run. The distance of 500-kilometer road race was planned to cover by the men within seven days. The racing speed rate was one kilometer in not less than six minutes. About 65-75 kilometers a day. Women should cover half of the distance. An experimental group of volunteers, who had previously been prepared by me on the program of the system of natural healing, were participating in the marathon on general grounds. Volunteers have mastered the technique of dynamic autogenic training, health training, breathing exercises and nutrition on the new bio-energy basis. The food was prepared for them under the supervision of the Commission with specialized recipes. Our group was fed simultaneously with the main group of the participants in the marathon, but at a separate table, which was characterized by colorful dishes, richly decorated with fresh spring greens, vegetables and fruits.
The experimental group was fed with decoctions of herbs, juices, honey, salad vegetables and herbs, fresh porridge on water, bread made from rye flour with grass flour on whig, boiled beans, nuts. On the trail they were offered "candy" from the rolled-up dried fruit and nuts, but athletes did not needed them. The quantity and quality of food quite satisfied athletes. All in all, runners got 28 grams protein, 25 grams fat, 180 grams of carbohydrates, which in total amounted to 1200 calories a day.
But the control and the main group of runners were fed according to the norms of the energy established by Institute of Medical Sciences of the USSR . They consumed 190 grams of protein, the same amount of fat, 1300 grams of carbohydrates, which amounted to 6000 calories a day. Cooking recipes were made according to calorie theory of a balanced diet. Tables laden with food from the delicatessen, meat cuts, sausages, ham, cheese and butter, splints, roast beef or chops with ample side dish, soups, puddings and the like, the most common foods. On the trail they received extra food - oatmeal jelly and crackers. The participants of the experiment were under the vigilant control of the commission, both during the run, and during the meal. Runners of the experimental and control groups o the marathon were weighed regularly. Long columns of numbers filled minutes of the commission. The results exceeded the expectations. Records of the Commission testified that less physically trained athletes of the experimental group were more enduring and did not lose weight as opposed to a control group of athletes that were engaged in the same physical activities and sports indices figures of running, but consuming five times more high-calorie food! Weight of the runners of this group was less stable during the run as well as at its end.
And a remarkable thing. Marathon ended late in the evening and the next morning, all participants of the experimental group were at their usual workplace.
In the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Physical Culture, where the results of the experiment were discussed and the acts of the commission endorsed, and where I reported on the results of my observations, the experiment was considered unique. It was decided to repeat the experiment with the participation of athletes of the highest category. According to this decision, a master of sports in the run Anna Kharitonova was prepared by a special program to participate in the experiment.
The new experiment also took place in April's marathon in honor of the Cosmonaut Day, this time the distance was 450 kilometers. A representative commission o VNIIFK recorded the results of the run. It is noteworthy that this time the participant of the experimental group sport master Anne Kharitonov reached a record long run, she covered the 450-kilometer distance, finishing in the sixth place among male super marathoners.
During the run the athlete was fed according to the already well-known diet that does not exceed 1200 calories per day, and her body weight remained stable. Unique results and achievements in sports with low-calorie and low-protein diet were achieved in recent years by climbers making the ascent to the mountain peaks, by numerous groups of mountain tourists, and, finally, by the participants of the amateur mass marathons. In the Novosibirsk Akademgorodok it has become a tradition to hold a spring marathon on a low-calorie and low-protein diet.
I admit, I was repeatedly turned to the issue, if I remember the law of energy and matter conservation? I was reminded that for the basal metabolism the human body needs 1200-1700calories, and in addition to this it is necessary to provide energy for its activity. But the point is that by checking the caloric theory of a balanced diet in the light of the law, you can find a number of serious discrepancies between the theory and general practice. The system o the facts does not fit into the Procrustean bed of the theory! And yet this theory has dominated for decades in our country - in the science and practice of nutrition, and in the technology of production of food.
As a result, the diet does not meet the physiological needs of the human body both quantitatively and qualitatively. This is - the main cause of contamination of the internal environment of the organism and the emergence of many diseases. Hence, this puts forward the problem of justification of quantitative and qualitative standards and food hygiene according to the types of natural features of the human body and its social, geographical, climatic and other conditions of life.
Our marathon runners, who have passed on the daily regime of low-calorie food, have begun a joke of calling themselves "dystrophics". Why these "jokes"? They have emerged not by chance, but after the publication by a number of scientists who claim that I have developed a diet which will inevitably lead to malnutrition, because even in a Nazi concentration camp of Dachau prisoners’ caloric intake was significantly higher. In there enthusiasm for high-calorie theory, such authors do not consider one important detail: the food consumed by our super-marathoners is consistent with natural human needs. In Dachau prisoners ate cutlets from sawdust, sprinkled with ersatz sauce. Caloric content of these products is certainly high, but it does not meet the natural needs of human species. It is interesting to know the opinion of my opponents about the question: how much the fatness of the prisoners at Dachau would increase, if they were fed with doubled or tripled amount of the sawdust and, hence, the total caloric intake? Furthermore, I remind the doubters that even Lenin demanded that the basics of assessment of nutritional standards have been based on "... not the number of calories, but on the amount and quality of food" (VI Lenin. Full. Works, Vol. Works ., v. 40, p. 342).
Today, the spontaneous approach to the complex process of nutrition, as part of the total energy exchange of the whole organism, clearly reveals the shortages of calorimetric evaluation of the diet. Calorie - is nothing more but a unit of heat energy released by a substance in the destruction of its chemical bonds in the combustion process. It’s easy to count the number of calories released in the burning of protein, fat and carbohydrate foods, but it’s much more complicated to determine its biological value, digestibility and nutritive value. Energy consumption and expenditures of our bodies require a different approach, because we are not isolated from the environment, like the chamber of the calorimeter.
That is why numerous experiments and observations show that our body is able to compensate for energy expenditures that far exceed the energy content of food consumed. How can this be? I think we have enough evidence to say about the multi-channel energy supply of the human body.
Considering the stereotype of thinking formed by centuries-of old habits and whims of people, it is hard to realize how much you can reduce the amount of food consumed, which fully satisfies the needs of a healthy person with a reasonable way of life. The men misrepresented his views on the need for nutrition to the absurd. For example, in New Zealand, there is a habit to take food seven times a day, consumed with the fantastic amount of meat, eggs, sausages, sandwiches, and other. New Zealanders are beginning to have meals in bed and finish the day by eating before going to bed second, a so-called small dinner, which consists of cold meat, lobster and other eatables.
In India, however, people decided to eat no more than twice a day. The majority of the population - are vegetarians. The national dish - rice with vegetables, with rice and vegetable sauce usually served separately, perhaps, the Indians are aware of the benefits of food combination, and not incidentally their food is plentifully flavored with medicinal herbs. The nation Hunza in northern India is featured with the greatest life expectancy in the world. This nation absolutely does not consume animal food proteins.
It’s possible to observ eating habits of each nation historically associated with geographical location, economy, culture, which do not sufficiently take into account the healthy human physiological needs. For example, in the last century Germany was "famous" with obese people, and they preferred to be ill, but ... overeat. German cooks - the specialists in manufacturing hams, sausages and frankfurters especially diversified diet of meat and all sorts of fish dishes, baked sweet jelly, pies, cakes and more. German cuisine much influenced the diet of our country, it is enough to remember the schnitzel, beefsteaks, romsteaks, roast beef, entrecote, which are famous today not only the price lists of sit down restaurants, but also in our everyday diet.
We forgot about the beautiful Russian cereals, Russian soup, medicinal Russian oat wash-brew, pickled apples, honey and hell kvass, forget the bread on the hop yeast. Lost even more than that, famous kitchen that fed the wonderful heroes of the Russian land.
Unfortunately, the eating habits of people are clogged with bad habits. Became the rule to ginger appetite, combining incompatible products. Food is tinted, salted, sweetened. And we changed the sense of proportion. The excretory system is overloaded at the same time, and the body's internal environment is polluted with not excreted metabolic products. They are deposited in the walls of blood vessels in the intercellular spaces, and finally, in the cell, disrupting metabolic processes. Isn’t it the reason of many of our diseases?
Not once I had to listen intently, wary questions: if a vegetarianism can lead to the extinction of mental abilities. Then I recall the lifestyle and diet of Leo Tolstoy, Alexander Suvorov, Roman Rolland, Jack London, George Bernard Shaw and many other thinkers - followers of the strict vegetarian diet. Personally I do not consume animal protein in the diet for 40 years and do not notice the deterioration of memory.
Some say, how about the classic experiments by A.A. Pokrovsky, who a quarter century ago proved as if the restriction of consumption of animal protein negatively impacts the mental abilities of man? He did not share the view of the great thinkers, vegetarians, who exemplify creative longevity. But the scientist, however, studied the rationality of human nutrition as a kind in experiments .with ... rodents. And proved that the brains of rats are directly related to diet. Consumption of animal protein allowed them to better navigate in the complicated situations. The results of the experiments were mechanically transferred to humans. And up to this day protein diet in our country is calculated in accordance with the classical experiments on rodents!
It seems to me that, besides the lack of correctness in the transfer of the experimental results with rats on human beings in such a fine area, as mental activity, it should be remembered that nature featured a specific program of life and specific nature of nutrition to each kind of animal. For example, nobody would think of feeding a tiger or a lion with grass, as well as a camel or a horse with meat.
Careful study of the table of the comparative anatomical and physiological characteristics of species of animals, it is easy to see that man does not have any signs of a predator. Moreover, for the many thousands of years, when people began to consume meat, the man’s body did not evolutionary change, similar to the signs of a predator.
In studying the characteristics of food consumption in various representatives of the animal world we can note not only the commonality of some physiological parameters, but also a clear distinction of species needs that are programmed by nature. For example, the tiger can eat only fresh meat of the victim, and herbivores have a clear feature of the properties of species of animals: camel prefers camel thorn, elks are not averse to eat young aspen bark, and the horse prefers grain - that is the nature of the program. Do humans have features of the nutrition programmed by the nature?
In experiments with healthy men it can be seen that the optimal diet contains fruits, vegetables, berries, edible wild herbs and vegetable, seeds, nuts, grains, and cereal grains, honey. In that case, if the fresh food was cooked tasty and retained its bio-energetic value, once or twice a day food consumption is enough. Of course, when it is necessary to comply with food hygiene taking into account the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the individual ...
I remember one of my patients - Svetlana. Just a few years ago, this slim, charming young woman with curly hair was on the verge of collapse, chocking under the burden of cardiovascular, pulmonary, gastrointestinal, and skin diseases. Svetlana was ill since childhood. The school constantly liberated her from the physical training. In the university she once tried to run the hundred meters race, but it ended in syncope. After graduation, constant supervision of qualified doctors of the clinic at the Academy of science of the USSR made beneficial effect on her health, but not for long time. Gradually, her medical history was swelling with the records of internists, gynecologists, pulmonologists, gastroenterologists, cardiologists, oncologists, neurologists, dermatologists and other physicians.
Very sick woman with lusterless eyes, with yearly aging puffy face and bloated figure literally breathless due to asthmatic bronchitis, heart disease, inflammation of the gall bladder, pancreatitis, hepatitis, gastritis, spastic colitis, cervical degenerative disc disease of the spine, stomach ulcers and other chronic diseases. Svetlana was a researcher of a rare and interesting profession. She loved her job, but felt that she was becoming a burden on the shoulders of employees, and becoming less and less employable. About the half of the working time of the year she spent in the hospital regime. Her large and friendly family actually lost the mistress, and emergency room physicians have become frequent visitors to their home. All new and new diseases fell in abundance! A growing tumor was revealed In the abdominal cavity, and surgical intervention should not be delayed, but asthmatic bronchitis, severe drug allergy, and almost incessant cold conditions obstructed abdominal surgery.
Oncology surgeon directed the sick woman with a request to improve Svetlana’s health before the upcoming serious operation. But I began to treat her in accordance with my principles. Treatment was ambulatory without job interruption. So a remarkable record in her medical history: the doctor noted a gradual reverse increase of the swell in the abdomen. The need for abdominal surgery no longer existed!"
A year after the start of treatment it appeared that Svetlana was doing so well, that she might go on a long trip in the tropical zone of the ocean. Physicians recorded in the "Seaman's book" unconditional - "healthy." Svetlana is coping with the affairs in the institute, and is busy with the housework at home, but at the same time every day she finds time for a morning run, a special set of movements and breathing, and more. Even winter blizzard does not make her putting on a cap and sweater for jogging wear. Gradually she learned Russian "temper-bag." She feeds according to the diet with consumption of not more than 1000 calories a day.
I love my patient Svetlana and call her "the highest embodiment of the limitless resources of nature." Since Ivan Pavlov defined the place of man in the world in this way.
Yes, people - an integral part of nature. Rightly said. But this is only a part of the truth. After all, we are a reasonable part of nature that is capable to regulate relationship with the environment and transform it. However, transforming the world around him, does the man remember that his actions should commeasure with the general objective and principle of the unity of the material world?
Alas, having a powerful technique, we do not understand quite enough the essence of our relationship with nature. Maybe that's why scientific progress often leads today to negative consequences. We are destroying not only the external area of the dwelling, but also the internal environment of the body, getting the diseases, reducing the period of normal working ability and creative longevity.
In conclusion: the plastic properties of the central nervous system and the human mental activity has a huge opportunity to restore your own body. We have been given the ability to control not only the thoughts and actions, but also the physical condition of the body. Hence, these are our commitment and responsibility to be always at the height of personal abilities. In our country we have the conditions for material support and active developnent of reasonable and normal human needs as the main guarantee of health. We must not forget that this fact today laid the foundation of a strategy to eliminate the mass of chronic diseases. To conclude our conversation, I anticipate possible questions from readers concerning the preservation and promotion of health. Well I'll try to answer them through the magazine. Please, write.
Menu of the super-marathon experimental group
• Decoction of herbs with lemon juice, flavoured with honey.
• Freshly prepared infusion of rosehips with honey.
• Freshly prepared salads of various vegetables, richly flavoured juice of citrus and fresh spring greens.
• Specially prepared meals from whole cereal grains, richly seasoned with fresh herbs and dried herbs with a little vegetable oil and dried seaweed.
• Tea of the petals of a rose, hawthorn flowers, leaves, magnolia, jasmine flowers and fireweed.
• Freshly made fruit and vegetable juice.
• Salad of boiled beets with horseradish, garlic or honey and lemon juice.
• Salad of shredded pumpkin and carrots with sea buckthorn juice with honey.
• Salad of coarsely chopped cabbage or cauliflower with lots of greenery (Served with freshly made peanut sauce with milk or oatmeal with nuts).
• Boiled beans, flavored spices, nuts and garlic.
• Rye bread, mixed with whig, with plenty of grated dried herbs.