Device for automatic preparation of coffee from the proposed product (grain, ground coffee). Brewing coffee in a coffee machine involves minimal human involvement.
Device for automatic preparation of coffee from the proposed product (grain, ground coffee). Brewing coffee in a coffee machine involves minimal human involvement.
These are two different household devices. In modern English there are two concepts — "coffee machine" and "coffee maker". The coffee maker performs the functions of only brewing coffee from the finished ground coffee. Using a coffee maker, it is necessary to provide ground coffee or packaged coffee (in capsules), which already forces a person to perform a certain part of the work on preparing and grinding the grains. When cooking, it is necessary to control the process. During the cooking process, some specific skills and abilities will be required from the user: it will be necessary to pour ground coffee, in carob — to tamper it in the right way, forming a coffee "tablet", in the end - to remove the spent coffee grounds and clean the filter. Because of this kind of manipulation, these devices are formally referred to as coffee makers.
Unlike a coffee machine, a coffee machine grinds grains and brews coffee, both from ground coffee and from coffee beans, just by pressing a button.
The size of the coffee machine is much larger than the size of the coffee machine, since
Device for automatic preparation of coffee from the proposed product (grain, ground coffee). Brewing coffee in a coffee machine involves minimal human involvement.