Cartoon Cartel is a collection of 9,999 cartoon NFTs living on the Solana blockchain.
Cartoon Cartel is a collection of 9,999 cartoon NFTs living on the Solana blockchain.
The cartoon cartel NFT collection aims to set the standard for what NFT collections should be.
Along with some badass NFTs, we’re building a brand, physical products, a token, a play-to-earn game, an in depth story, and much much more.
There are 3,333 NFT’s in each faction and the factions are randomly distributed throughout the collection.
The Mechs were originally created to help out with everyday tasks. As time went on & technology advanced the Mechs developed to be lifelike. Today, they are completely integrated into society.
Before they were the Turned, they were human. They used to live happy and quiet lives until the aliens came but when they left, the humans had been completely unrecognizable. The aliens turned the humans into inanimate objects.
The Surf were almost completely wiped out when the aliens came. The aliens robbed the planet of its natural resources, including water. The Mechs and Turned did everything they could to save the surf by building suits for them to live on land. The water supply is running low so the Surf will need to do something quick if they want to survive.
Cartoon Cartel is a collection of 9,999 cartoon NFTs living on the Solana blockchain.