A media company integrating data and context to analyze the biotech sector and promote open and distributed biology.
BioMap is a media company founded in 2018 by Isaac Larkin, Christopher Norys, and Maxx Chatsko. Founded as a public benefit company, the platform has stated aims to 'build and encourage a more open and distributed biotech sector through creative projects, independent analysis, data tools, and partnerships.'
A new media company integrating data and context to analyze the biotech sector and promote open and distributed biology.
BioMap is a new media company (versus "old media") founded in 2018 by Isaac Larkin, Christopher Norys, and Maxx Chatsko. Founded as a public benefit company, the platform has stated aims to 'build and encourage a more open and distributed biotech sector through creative projects, independent analysis, data tools, and partnerships.'
A new media company coveringintegrating data and context to analyze the global biotech sector and promote open and distributed biology.
BioMap is a new media company (versus "old media") founded in 2018 by Maxx Chatsko and Isaac Larkin. It publishes independent content in the form of articles, hosts open databases covering topics in the global biotech sector, and creates and supports projects focused on open source biology and distributed biology. BioMap was established as a public benefit company.
BioMap develops, organizes, and maintains databases comprising information on specific topics in the global biotechnology sector. Databases provide raw information, deeper analysis, and visual data tools to educate people on biotechnology.
BioMap is a new media company (versus "old media") founded in 2018 by Isaac Larkin, Christopher Norys, and Maxx Chatsko. Founded as a public benefit company, the platform aims to build and encourage a more open and distributed biotech sector through creative projects, independent analysis, data tools, and partnerships.
BioMap isA anew media company focusing oncovering the biotech sector and distributed biology.
BioMap is a new media company (versus "old media") founded in 2018 by Maxx Chatsko and Isaac Larkin. It publishes independent content in the form of articles, hosts open databases covering topics in the global biotech sector, and creates and supports projects focused on open source biology and distributed biology. BioMap was established as a public benefit company.
BioMap wasdevelops, foundedorganizes, and maintains databases comprising information on specific topics in 2018 as a public benefit company with a stated goal of "creating a more open, distributed, and awarethe global biotechnology community"sector. BioMapDatabases providesprovide raw information, deeper analysis, and visual data tools to educate people on biotechnology.
It provides self-written articles and analysis and creates, curates, and hosts databases related to the biotechnology sector, including the BioMap Company Database and the BioMap DIYbio Database. All databases that BioMap provides are free and open to use. Users can edit BioMap-created databases, but not all BioMap hosted databases have this property.
BioMap was founded in 2018 as a public benefit company with a statestated goal of 'creating"creating a more open, distributed, and aware global biotechnology community'". BioMap is formed as a public benefit company and provides information, analysis, and data tools to educate people on the biotechnology market.
It provides self writtenself-written articles and analysis and creates, curates, and hosts databases related to the biotechnology sector, including the BioMap Company Database and the BioMap DIYbio Database. All databases that BioMap provides are free and open to use. Users can edit BioMap-created databases, but not all BioMap hosted databases have this property.
BioMap is a new media company covering the biotech sector with articles and databasespromoting open, distributed biology.
BioMap is a new media company buildingcovering athe morebiotech open,sector distributed,with articles and aware global biotechnology communitydatabases.
BioMap iswas afounded newin media2018 companywith buildingthe goal of creating a more open, distributed, and aware global biotechnology community. Established as a public benefit company, it provides information, analysis, and data tools allowing anyone, anywhere to understandeducate people on the quickly expanding biotech landscape.
BioMap's website doesn't have advertisements and doesn't require a subscription to view published content. Instead, users can support the company on Patreon.
BioMap's website doesn't have advertisements and nodoesn't require a subscription is required to view the published content. Instead, users can support the company on Patreon.
BioMap is a new media company building a more open, distributed, and aware global biotechnology community.
BioMap is a new media company building a more open, distributed, and aware global biotechnology community. Established as a public benefit company, it provides information, analysis, and data tools allowing anyone, anywhere to understand the quickly expanding biotech landscape.
In addition to providing original articles and analysis, the company creates, curates, and hosts databases related to the biotech sector, including the BioMap Company Database and the BioMap DIYbio Database. All databases are free and open to use. Users can edit BioMap-created databases, but not all hosted databases have this feature.
BioMap's website doesn't have advertisements and no subscription is required to view the published content. Instead, users can support the company on Patreon.