Belarusian State University of Transport is a Gomel-based organization founded in 1953.
The educational institution "Belarusian State University of Transport" (until 1993 – Belarusian Institute of Railway Engineers) was founded in 1953 and is located in the city of Gomel, one of the most beautiful places in Belarusian Polesie.
BSUT is an educational institution, a research and educational centre, the base of which is the university with three branches.
The university consists of 9 faculties, the Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Heads and Specialists of the Transport Complex of the Republic of Belarus, the Scientific Research Institute of Railway Transport, the Test Centre for Railway Transport and the certification body
BSUT branches are colleges of railway transport in the cities of Brest, Gomel and Orsha.
More than 6 thousand students of all forms of education study at the university’s faculties, more than 300 teachers, including 150 professors and associate professors, teach.
The main task of the Belarusian State University of Transport is to preserve, accumulate and develop the values of transport education, fundamental and applied science using modern achievements, innovative technologies and management principles. The university is developing as an integration educational institution, as a single scientific and educational transport complex. This allows you to effectively use the pedagogical and scientific potential of the team, to train specialists in shortened training periods, to offer students the choice of an educational path that satisfies their intellectual, social and economic needs.