Beast Ventures is a seed-stage technology investment fund. Its investments have included: Q bio, Sparrho, LabGenius and Sonalytic, which was bought by Spotify in 2017.
Beast Ventures is a seed-stage technology investment fund. Its investments have included: Q bio, Sparrho, LabGenius and Sonalytic, which was bought by Spotify in 2017.
Beast Ventures is a seed-stage technology investment fund. Its investments have included: Q bio; Sparrho; LabGenius; and Sonalytic, which was bought by Spotify in 2017.
Beast Ventures is a seed-stage technology investment fund. Its investments have included: Q bio; Sparrho; LabGenius; and Sonalytic, which was bought by Spotify.
Beast Ventures is a seed-stage technology investment fund. Its investments have included: Q bio, Sparrho, LabGenius and Sonalytic, which was bought by Spotify in 2017.