Decentralized autonomous organization focused on the democratization and innovation in betting
Azuro — the solution
Here’s comes Azuro — a decentralized betting protocol with DAO governance, to become the base infrastructure of betting dApps in the future. Azuro’s solution revolves around two important new pillars — importing odds & results via oracles, and utilizing 1 main liquidity pool, from where liquidity is allocated to different events based on popularity.
Importing odds via oracles allows for competitive initial odds for events, in line with general betting expectations. The odds for each bet are clear (there is no change for the bettor retroactively), and the odds do fluctuate as more bets are made to protect liquidity providers.
Liquidity can be added by anyone, and is not event-specific which ensures more events get ample liquidity and allows for safe profitability for the liquidity providers over time.
Last but not least — the experience for Azuro’s users is tailored to sportsbetting and is natural to any bettor in the world.
Then, comparing with traditional bookmakers — Azuro’s solution introduces full transparency, and allows for bettors money to stay with bettors, as transactions are handled via crypto-wallets. There is no risk of declined payouts, or limitations of accounts.
In delivering this experience to bettors, Azuro also breaks down the role of the bookmaker into smaller bits, democratizing the business of betting as a whole. Liquidity is decentralized and can be added by anyone. Odds & event results are imported via oracles. Anyone (approved by the DAO) can build their own front-end and utilize the odds, liquidity and settlement of the protocol.
A bet is one of the first forms of contract used by people thousands of years ago. Today, however online betting is plagued by lack of transparency & fairness, much because it's a system built on negative incentives putting bookmakers & players against each other. At the same time decentralized betting never took off due to inefficient liquidity solutions, resulting in lack of betting markets and very poor UX. To top it all off - come the infinite unrealised possibilities within web3 and GameFi for betting to take shapes not yet imagined.
Azuro utilizes smart-contracts to build a decentralized betting protocol deploying an innovative solution for liquidity provision and allocation. Betting becomes transparent and trustless, while depth of betting events, markets and UX remains as good as it gets.
Furthermore, Azuro democratizes the business of betting by breaking down the role of the traditional bookmaker into several smaller roles, openly available for anyone to benefit from: liquidity provision, front-end management, data provision via oracles, decentralized (DAO) governance. As a result we envision a rich, fun betting environment with decreased cost of service to players, full transparency, community-run and with a commitment to responsibility.