AMO Foundation offers a data marketplace platform where connected car data can be traded between users.
AMO Foundation offers a data marketplace platform where connected car data can be traded between users.
AMO is a platform for safe and fair data marketplace.
AMO is a platform for safe and fair data marketplace.
The data collected from cars will change your everyday life, as smart mobility is on
the threshold of a new era with car data and its infinite of possibilities. AMO unlocks new values
from driving data and provides an open but safe, a compatible transactional environment for all.
At AMO, we believe that automotive data has the potential to transform mobility as we know it. That is why we created a
secure platform where connected car data can be traded – securely and lucratively – for the purpose of enabling innovation.
By incentivizing open sharing of data, our mission is to empower everyone from individual drivers and app
developers to car manufacturers to seek opportunities in automotive data via AMO. Ultimately, our wish is to facilitate
progress in making mobility more secure, sustainable, and rewarding for all.
Removing data barriers
From connected cars to MaaS, the automotive industry is undergoing a transformation enabled by one central resource – data.
In every sector, data is a key differentiator for success. Hence for tomorrow’s roads to improve, we believe that
barriers to data access must be reduced. Meanwhile, we are committed to empowering data providers, such as private car
owners, to control how their car data is used, while conforming to global guidelines on digital privacy and data security.
Allowing sustainable mobility
Rapid urbanization is driving the need for more shared, convenient, and environmentally friendly modes of transportation
around the globe. Issues like congestion, road safety, and efficient fuel use are growing priorities that need to be
addressed in order to sustain mobility in the future. We hope that once researchers and businesses gain access to large
sets of relevant data, new ideas and insights can help eliminate obstacles to keeping people on the road, sustainably.
Enabling smarter services
Already, various mobility services and apps bring exceptional value to our daily lives, from real-time traffic information apps
and app-connected car keys to ride-hailing. But in order to improve, innovators will require access to diverse data on
consumer needs and preferences. Our goal is to allow businesses to obtain actionable data required to create new
personalized and optimized services that push the envelope in modern mobility.
AMO Foundation offers a data marketplace platform where connected car data can be traded between users.