Katerina began her career in Parimatch Holdings in 2011 as an Account Manager in the Business Development department. The following year, she became a Project Manager in this department and held the position until 2016. During this time, she was involved in the development and implementation of projects which played a crucial role in the international growth of the Parimatch brand. In 2014, she was a part of the team tasked with establishing operations in Kazakhstan—a fast-growing betting market. In 2017, Katerina worked on Parimatch Holdings' development in Cyprus as Chief Business Development Officer. This role entailed two primary responsibilities. First, she helped to grow the company's operations in Cyprus by leading brand Parimatch to successfully obtain a Class B license—allowing it to establish an online platform in the market and subsequently gain a 5% market share. Second, she managed several central operations from the holding company headquarters in Cyprus, including Human Resources, Public Relations, and Corporate Social Responsibility activities. The latter is undertaken through the Parimatch Foundation, a non-profit organization established by the Parimatch brand to implement the company's corporate social responsibility agenda. Today, the Parimatch Foundation is actively implementing projects in Cyprus and Ukraine. Its principal missions are to promote health and well-being through education and community participation in sports while tackling exclusion and poverty in society.
In 2019, Katerina was appointed as Head of Corporate Development. Her role focuses not only on crucial central company operations but also on company growth and advancing Parimatch's brand among both internal and external audiences.
Katerina leads an active lifestyle for which sport plays an integral role. In winter, she enjoys skiing.; in summer, she engages in water sports and swimming. Katerina also likes to travel and is rarely home for more than 2 weeks at a time.
Pozharskaya Diana Vladimirovna - Russian theater and film actress.
Pozharskaya Diana Vladimirovna is a Russian theater and film actress. Born in an ordinary family on February 3, 1992 in Volzhsky (Volgograd region). She has been a sports and creative person since childhood. Parents did everything for Diana to grow up in peace and harmony. The actress left only her mother, and her father died on the eve of the new year 2019.
Diana has been fond of ballroom dancing since childhood. In this field, she achieved a lot, and grueling workouts and a lot of physical activity were useful to her in adult life: Pozharskaya easily manages to keep track of her figure. In sports ballroom dancing, Diana even passed the standards for a candidate master of sports, but fate had other plans. At the age of 19, she received a serious knee injury and she had to forget about this field of activity forever.
In high school, Diana thought about a creative profession. After school, she moved to Moscow to enter the capital's theater university. And so it happened, Pozharskaya became a student at VGIK. The young actress liked to learn the basics of the profession, so studying was easy. In 2016, she graduated from a higher educational institution.
The debut in cinema happened in 2015, when the young actress appeared in the TV series Concerned. In this project, Diana played in the episode.
A stunning success happened in 2016, when the series "Hotel Eleon" was shown on TV screens. In this serial comedy, Pozharskaya played a major role, reincarnating as the maid Daria Kanaeva. Not only the series was appreciated, but also the acting talent of Diana herself. After this project, Pozharskaya woke up famous.
On account of the actress more than 30 paintings. She played in such films as "Eternal Vacation", "Force Majeure", "On the Edge", "Lapsi", "Heat", "Hotel Belgrade", etc.
In 2016, Diana also played in Alexander Zhigalkin's serial crime comedy "Force Majeure" with the participation of the star of "Major" Pavel Priluchny.
Personal life
Lichnaya zhizn' aktrisy tesno svyazana s tvorcheskoy stezey. Vo vremya s"yemok kinokartiny «Zatmeniye» artistka sblizilas' s rezhisserom Artemom Aksonenko, sozdavshim fil'my «Tuman» i «Chempiony: Bystreye. Vyshe. Sil'neye». Izbrannik okazalsya starshe Pozharskoy na 9 let, no raznitsa v vozraste ne stala pomekhoy dlya vlyublennykh. Diana utverzhdala, chto suprug podderzhival yeye na akterskom poprishche i sam cherpayet vdokhnoveniye iz vzaimnogo obshcheniya. Kazalos' by, zhenshchina ne skryvala statusa ot zhurnalistov i zhila v schastlivom brake, no sovmestnyye foto s muzhem v «Instagrame» razmeshchala redko. Deti u byvshikh suprugov tak i ne poyavilis'. Vozmozhno, paparatstsi tak i ne uznali by o razvode zvezd, yesli by v kontse 2020 goda Artem ne stal chastym personazhem postov drugoy znamenitosti – Anastasii Mikul'chinoy. V otlichiye ot Pozharskoy, novaya zhena Aksonenko ne boitsya delit'sya schast'yem s podpischikami. Skrytnost' Diany s kazhdym dnem porozhdala novyye slukhi. V fevrale 2021 goda v SMI poyavilas' informatsiya, chto aktrisa beremenna ot Ivana Yankovskogo. Kollega proiskhodit iz izvestnoy i sostoyatel'noy sem'i. On syn Filippa Yankovskogo i Oksany Fandery, vnuk Olega Yankovskogo. Raneye akuly pera govorili o taynom romane pary, dazhe soobshchali o poseshchenii Pozharskoy sinagogi v tselyakh zadobrit' vliyatel'nuyu svekrov'. 26 iyunya 2021 goda Diana rodila syna, kotorogo nazvali Olegom, v chest' dedushki Ivana. V dekabre v razgovore s zhurnalistami vyyasnilos', chto Pozharskaya i Yankovskiy uzhe davno zhenaty.
The personal life of the actress is closely connected with the creative paths. During the filming of the film "Eclipse", the artist became close to the director Artem Aksyonenko, who created the films "Fog" and "Champions: Faster. Above. Stronger". The chosen one turned out to be 9 years older than Pozharskaya, but the age difference did not become an obstacle for lovers.
Diana claimed that her husband supported her in the acting field and he draws inspiration from mutual communication. It would seem that the woman did not hide her status from journalists and lived in a happy marriage, but she rarely posted joint photos with her husband on Instagram. The children of the former spouses never appeared.
Perhaps the paparazzi would never have known about the divorce of the stars if at the end of 2020 Artem had not become a frequent character in the posts of another celebrity - Anastasia Mikulchina. Unlike Pozharskaya, Aksyonenko's new wife is not afraid to share happiness with subscribers.
Diana's secretiveness gave rise to new rumors every day. In February 2021, information appeared in the media that the actress was pregnant by Ivan Yankovsky. The colleague comes from a well-known and wealthy family. He is the son of Philip Yankovsky and Oksana Fandera, the grandson of Oleg Yankovsky. Previously, pen sharks talked about the couple's secret romance, even reported visiting the Pozharsky synagogue in order to appease the influential mother-in-law.
On June 26, 2021, Diana gave birth to a son, who was named Oleg, in honor of Ivan's grandfather. In December, in a conversation with reporters, it turned out that Pozharskaya and Yankovsky had been married for a long time.
Interesting Facts
-Diana Pozharskaya has been collaborating with Chanel for several years and is the face of the fashion house. The girl often advertises the brand's cosmetics on her Instagram account, and calls Gabrielle Essence floral perfume her favorite fragrance.
- Pozharskaya owes her slender figure, which allows her to pose in a swimsuit and revealing outfits, not only to sports ballroom dancing. The celebrity loves to run. And both on the street and on the treadmill. The actress does not adhere to a strict diet, but prefers seafood and vegetables.
-The artist loves animals, helps the dog shelter. Most of all, Diana likes light-colored quadrupeds. A fluffy snow-white cat and the same dog named Lakki live at Pozharskaya's house.
-Celebrity is not limited to certain creative activities. After the release of "Heat", the performer believed in her talent and recorded the songs "Mirrors" and "Atmosphere".
June 26, 2021
February 3, 1992
Pozharskaya Diana Vladimirovna - Russian theater and film actress.
Marit Bjørgen is a ski racer