Sekopay (SEKO) is the cryptocurrency that will be used to trade and pay fees on the Sekopay cryptocurrency exchange.
A Secure, Decentralized, Cryptocurrency.
Sekopay Coin (SEKO) is the cryptocurrency that will be used to trade and pay fees on the Sekopay cryptocurrency exchange.
Open-source and freely available to everyone.
Sekopay coin users will receive discounted transaction fees on Sekopay Exchange.
SEKO can also be exchanged or traded for other cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance coin.
Sekopay Coin Will Be Used to Pay for All Exchange Fees, Listing Fees and trade fees.
Send & Receive Secure Instant Payments For Low Transaction Fees To Other Users.
Our robust matching engine is powered to process 100k transactions per second, so you are never waiting for transaction to complete.
Sekopay Exchange has been rigorously tested with a large user base on parameters like security, speed, performance, and user experience.
Sekopay Exchange has security built right in with advanced technologies that work together in harmony to deliver world-class security.
Sekopay (SEKO) is the cryptocurrency that will be used to trade and pay fees on the Sekopay cryptocurrency exchange.