The main New York Stock Exchange Building, built in 1903, is at 18 Broad Street, between the corners of Wall Street and Exchange Place, and was designed in the Beaux Arts style by George B. Post. The adjacent structure at 11 Wall Street, completed in 1922, was designed in a similar style by Trowbridge & Livingston. The buildings were both designated a National Historic Landmark in 1978. 18 Broad Street is also a New York City designated landmark.
Led zeppelin album
The untitled fourth studio album by the English rock band Led Zeppelin, commonly known as Led Zeppelin IV, was released on 8 November 1971 by Atlantic Records. It was produced by guitarist Jimmy Page and recorded between December 1970 and February 1971, mostly in the country house Headley Grange. The album is notable for featuring "Stairway to Heaven", which has been described as the band's signature song.
The informal setting at Headley Grange inspired the band, and allowed them to try different arrangements of material and create songs in a variety of styles. After the band's previous album Led Zeppelin III received lukewarm reviews from critics, they decided their fourth album would officially be untitled, and would be represented instead by four symbols chosen by each band member, without featuring the name or any other details on the cover. Unlike the prior two albums, the band was joined by some guest musicians, such as vocalist Sandy Denny on "The Battle of Evermore", and pianist Ian Stewart on "Rock and Roll". As with prior albums, most of the material was written by the band, though there was one cover song, a hard rock re-interpretation of the Memphis Minnie blues song "When the Levee Breaks".
The album was a commercial and critical success and is Led Zeppelin's best-selling, shipping over 37 million copies worldwide. It is one of the best-selling albums in the US, while critics have regularly placed it highly on lists of the greatest albums of all time.
Former logo used from 1971 to 2014
"Nasdaq" was initially an acronym for the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations. It was founded in 1971 by the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD), now known as the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA). On February 8, 1971, the Nasdaq stock market began operations as the world's first electronic stock market. At first, it was merely a "quotation system" and did not provide a way to perform electronic trades.
The NASDAQ Stock Market eventually assumed the majority of major trades that had been executed by the over-the-counter (OTC) system of trading, but there are still many securities traded in this fashion. As late as 1987, the Nasdaq exchange was still commonly referred to as "OTC" in media reports and also in the monthly Stock Guides (stock guides and procedures) issued by Standard & Poor's Corporation.Over the years, it became more of a stock market by adding trade and volume reporting and automated trading systems. In 1981, Nasdaq traded 37% of the U.S. securities markets' total of 21 billion shares. By 1991, Nasdaq's share had grown to 46%.[11] In 1992, the Nasdaq Stock Market joined with the London Stock Exchange to form the first intercontinental linkage of capital markets. In 1998, it became the first stock market in the United States to trade online, using the slogan "the stock market for the next hundred years". The Nasdaq Stock Market attracted many companies during the dot-com bubble.
Its main index is the NASDAQ Composite, which has been published since its inception. The QQQ exchange-traded fund tracks the large-cap NASDAQ-100 index, which was introduced in 1985 alongside the NASDAQ Financial-100 Index, which tracks the largest 100 companies in terms of market capitalization.
On March 10, 2000, the NASDAQ Composite stock market index peaked at 5,132.52, but fell to 3,227 by April 17, and, in the following 30 months, fell 78% from its peak.
In a series of sales in 2000 and 2001, FINRA sold its stake in the Nasdaq. On July 2, 2002, Nasdaq Inc. became a public company via an initial public offering. In 2006, the status of the Nasdaq Stock Market was changed from a stock market to a licensed national securities exchange.[17] In 2007, it merged with OMX, a leading exchange operator in the Nordic countries, expanded its global footprint, and changed its name to the NASDAQ OMX Group.[18]
To qualify for listing on the exchange, a company must be registered with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), must have at least three market makers (financial firms that act as brokers or dealers for specific securities) and must meet minimum requirements for assets, capital, public shares, and shareholders.
In February 2011, in the wake of an announced merger of NYSE Euronext with Deutsche Börse, speculation developed that NASDAQ OMX and Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) could mount a counter-bid of their own for NYSE. NASDAQ OMX could be[when?] looking to acquire the American exchange's cash equities business, ICE the derivatives business. At the time, "NYSE Euronext's market value was $9.75 billion. Nasdaq was valued at $5.78 billion, while ICE was valued at $9.45 billion." Late in the month, Nasdaq was reported to be considering asking either ICE or the Chicago Mercantile Exchange to join in what would probably have to be, if it proceeded, an $11–12 billion counterbid.
In December 2005, NASDAQ acquired Instinet for $1.9 billion, retaining the Inet ECN and subsequently selling the agency brokerage business to Silver Lake Partners and Instinet management.
The European Association of Securities Dealers Automatic Quotation System (EASDAQ) was founded as a European equivalent to the Nasdaq Stock Market. It was purchased by NASDAQ in 2001 and became NASDAQ Europe. In 2003, operations were shut down as a result of the burst of the dot-com bubble. In 2007, NASDAQ Europe was revived first as Equiduct and was acquired by Börse Berlin later that year.
On June 18, 2012, Nasdaq OMX became a founding member of the United Nations Sustainable Stock Exchanges Initiative on the eve of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20).
In November 2016, chief operating officer Adena Friedman was promoted to chief executive officer, becoming the first woman to run a major exchange in the U.S.
In 2016, Nasdaq earned $272 million in listings-related revenues.
In October 2018, the SEC ruled that the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq did not justify the continued price increases when selling market data.
In December 2020, NASDAQ announced that it would strip its indexes of four Chinese companies in response to Executive Order 13959.
Уо́ррен Э́двард Ба́ффетт — американский предприниматель, один из крупнейших и наиболее известных в мире инвесторов, состояние которого на сентябрь 2018 года оценивалось в 108,4 млрд долларов, а на 12 февраля 2019 года — в 84,9 млрд долларов, что делало его четвертым
Уоррен Баффетт родился 30 августа 1930 года в г. Омаха, шт. Небраска, США. Он был вторым из трёх детей в семье и единственным сыном политика и предпринимателя Говарда Баффетта и его жены Лейлы Шталь. Первой школой Баффетта становится Rose Hill Elementary School в Омахе. В 1942 году, после победы его отца на выборах в Конгресс США и после переезда семьи в Вашингтон, Баффетт заканчивает Alice Deal Junior High School и заканчивает Woodrow Wilson High School в 1947 году.
В 11 лет Уоррен впервые попробовал себя на бирже. Вместе со своей сестрой Дорис он купил три привилегированные акции Cities Service по $38,25 за штуку. Сначала их цена опустилась до $27, потом поднялась до $40 и Баффетт продал их, чтобы получить прибыль в $5 долларов (за вычетом комиссии). Любопытно, что через несколько дней цена акции поднялась до $202 долларов. Если бы Баффетт подождал, то смог бы получить прибыль около $500. Этот первый опыт научил Баффетта тому, что инвестор должен быть терпеливым и не паниковать, если цены падают; не продавать ради краткосрочной выгоды; быть уверенным в успехе, если вкладываешь чужие деньги (после падения цены он чувствовал себя виноватым, так как рисковал деньгами сестры).
В возрасте 13 лет Уоррен подал свою первую декларацию о доходах, в которой он заявил к вычету стоимость велосипеда и наручных часов, поскольку расходы на их приобретение были связаны с его работой в качестве разносчика газет.
В 1945 году, будучи студентом-второкурсником, Баффетт и его друг потратили 25 долларов на покупку подержанного автомата для пинбола, который они поместили в местной парикмахерской. В течение нескольких месяцев они установили ещё несколько автоматов в трёх разных парикмахерских в Омахе. Бизнес был продан в конце года за 1200 долларов ветерану войны.
В 1965 году Баффетт купил контрольный пакет акций производящей текстиль компании Berkshire Hathaway, которая стала его основной инвестиционной компанией на все последующие годы. В 1976 году Баффетт купил «National Indemnity Co», потом GEICO, выложив за покупку $8,6 млн и $17 млн. В период биржевого кризиса 1973 года приобрёл за $11 млн акции газеты «Вашингтон Пост».
Баффетт обучался под руководством Бенджамина Грэма в Колумбийском университете. По словам Баффетта, именно Грэм заложил в него основы разумного инвестирования с помощью фундаментального анализа, и описывает его как человека, оказавшего наибольшее влияние на его жизнь после отца. Уоррен Баффетт придерживается стратегии долгосрочного инвестирования — средний срок владения акцией составляет 10 лет[источник не указан 1077 дней].
14 декабря 2004 года Билл Гейтс вошёл в совет компании Berkshire Hathaway, как независимый директор, таким образом формализовав дружеские отношения с Баффеттом.
В 2009 году за $26 млрд купил железную дорогу Burlington Northern Santa Fe.
В 2011 году впервые инвестировал в ИТ-компанию, купив 5,5 % акций IBM за $10,7 млрд[12].
16 июля 2015 года Уоррен Баффет и итальянский миллиардер Алессандро Прото за €15 млн купили греческий остров Святого Фомы площадью 1,2 км² в Сароническом заливе, вблизи острова Эгина. Миллиардеры планируют вложить средства в развитие недвижимости на острове.
В феврале 2018 года инвесткомпания Уоррена Баффетта Berkshire Hathaway совершила сразу несколько крупных покупок. Было приобретено 18,9 млн акций израильской фармацевтической компании Teva на $358 млн и 31,2 млн акций Apple. При этом инвесткомпания практически полностью избавилась от акций IBM, сократив их с 37 млн до 2 млн.
21 февраля 2019 года потерял более 4 миллиардов долларов за день из-за обрушения стоимости акций Kraft Heinz Co (KHC) с 47$ до 35$.
23 февраля 2019 года опубликовал очередное письмо к акционерам, в котором впервые заявил об изменении подхода к оценке финансовых результатов компании Berkshire Hathaway. На протяжении более 50 лет основным критерием являлось процентное изменение балансовой стоимости на одну акцию, теперь же ориентиром являются операционные доходы.
Джи́мми Пейдж (англ. Jimmy Page, полное имя Джеймс Па́трик Пейдж; англ. James Patrick Page; 9 января 1944, Хестон, Лондон) — британский рок-музыкант, аранжировщик, композитор, музыкальный продюсер и гитарист, стоявший у истоков Led Zeppelin и до самого конца остававшийся музыкальным «мозгом» группы.
Джеймс Патрик Пейдж родился 9 января 1944 года в Хестоне, западном пригороде Лондона, в семье менеджера и секретарши доктора. В 1952 году семья переехала на Майлз-роуд в Эпсоме. Пейдж пошёл в школу в пять лет; до этого у него не было друзей-сверстников.
Он вспоминал:
«Эта ранняя изолированность, возможно, повлияла на формирование моего характера. Одиночка. Многие неспособны существовать сами по себе. Их это пугает. Меня одиночество не беспокоит вообще. Оно придаёт мне ощущение безопасности.» — Из интервью Джимми Пейджа журналу Rolling Stone, 1975.
В 12 лет Пейдж впервые взял в руки гитару: старую испанскую акустику, найденную им на чердаке своего дома. Поначалу инструмент не заинтересовал мальчика; захотел научиться играть на нём он, когда услышал «Baby, Let’s Play House» Элвиса Пресли. «Парень в школе показал мне аккорды и — пошло-поехало», — вспоминал Пейдж.
Получив первые уроки игры в музыкальной школе (в Кингстоне), он приступил затем к усиленному самообразованию. Первыми гитаристами, оказавшими влияние на его стиль игры, были Скотти Мур и Джеймс Бёртон (игравшие с Элвисом Пресли). «Baby Let’s Play House» была одной из любимых вещей юного Пейджа. Постепенно вокруг одарённого гитариста стало собираться настоящее музыкальное общество, члены которого впоследствии стали, как и он сам, легендами (Эрик Клэптон, Джефф Бек).
Georgiy Mykolayovich Bushchan (born May 31, 1994, Odessa, Ukraine) is a Ukrainian footballer, the gate of Dynamo Kiev and the Ukrainian national team. Champion of Ukraine season 2020/21. Two-time winner of the Cup of Ukraine, three-time winner of the Super Cup of Ukraine. Vikhovanets football schools of Odessa "Chornomorets" and "Dynamo".
Club career
Georgy Bushchan was born in Odessa, where he started playing football, although he could associate himself with another sport - swimming, which he played for some time. The boy's idol in football was Andriy Shevchenko, so at first Georgy wanted to be a striker, but the coach of Odessa CYSS-11 Vitaliy Gotsulyak decided otherwise: at the age of 9 the boy tried to try for the position of central defender due to his tall stature, but Georgy took offense. and stated that he would be a goalkeeper.
Thanks to the successful performances in the DUFL competitions, the coaches of the youth national teams of Ukraine and the selectors of the leading clubs of the country drew attention to Bushchan. In the end, Bushchan chose Dynamo Kyiv among others, although he initially leaned towards Metalist. Continuing his career in Kyiv seemed unreal and fantastic to him, but on his mother's advice, Georgy took a risk and did not lose. Bushchan was first included in the bid of Dynamo's main team in December 2011 for a match against Metalurh Donetsk. The main reason for this decision was the acute shortage of goalkeepers, as Alexander Shovkovsky was injured and Artem Kichak was not declared for the autumn part of the championship. However, Bushchan did not appear on the field then, being a backup of Maxim Koval and played for a long time for the youth teams "Dynamo", and in 2014-2015 he played in the reserve team "Dynamo-2" in the First League.
On August 20, 2017, he made his debut for the main team in the Premier League match against Stal (Kamyanske) (4: 1). On November 2, 2017, he made his debut in the Europa League in a match against the Swiss Young Boys (1: 0). It was predicted That he would become the team's main goalkeeper in the second half of the championship, against the background of unsuccessful performances of Koval and Rudko [absent from the source], but suffered damage at the winter training camp, forcing the club to "Besiktas" by Denis Boyko. After recovering, he lost the fight for a place in the starting lineup to a senior colleague, in the 2018-19 season he played only 9 matches out of 49 possible. However, the following year he started to win the competition from Boyko after a series of uncertain matches of the latter. And finished the 2019-20 season as the team's main goalkeeper, having played 28 of 45 matches.
In the 2020-21 season, before the October break for international matches, he played for Dynamo without exception, including the final home match of the UEFA Champions League play-off qualifiers against Belgium's Ghent, which Kyiv won with a score. 3: 0. In this match, Bushchan, having made 12 saves and not conceding a single goal in the net, helped Dynamo for the first time in 4 years to make it to the group stage of the Champions League.
Georgiy Mykolayovich Bushchan (born May 31, 1994, Odessa, Ukraine) is a Ukrainian footballer, the gate of Dynamo Kiev and the Ukrainian national team. Champion of Ukraine season 2020/21. Two-time winner of the Cup of Ukraine, three-time winner of the Super Cup of Ukraine. Vikhovanets football schools of Odessa "Chornomorets" and "Dynamo".
American journalist
Ashlee Vance (born 1977) is an American business columnist and author. His biography of Elon Musk, entitled Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future, was released on May 19, 2015. He lives with his two kids Bowie and Tucker, and his wife Melinda.
Early life and education
Vance was born in 1977 in South Africa. He attended Pomona College, graduating in 2000.
Hator (Ukrainian: Хатор) is a Ukrainian company that manufactures gaming-specialized computer equipment such as mice, keyboards, chairs, mouse pads, headsets, and more. All products of the new brand have Ukrainian localization. In addition to Ukraine, the company sells its products in Moldova, Armenia, and Georgia.
The Hator brand was founded in Kyiv in 2015, when the trademark of the same name was registered. And the company's first product appeared on the market on October 1, 2018.
The initiator of the brand was Oleh Moroz, who was one of the first in Ukraine to form the market for gamers, starting distribution of Razer, SteelSeries, DXRacer, and owns TM "Zona51" and, which operates a retail network of specialized stores for gamers.[6]
In 2019, the company entered the market of Moldova, and in 2020 entered the markets of Armenia and Georgia.
Hator is working with e-sports organization Natus Vincere in organizing esport events and launching PC accessories with Na'Vi logo.
In 2021, Hator also sponsored The International 10's Dota 2 tournament translation in Ukraine.
The official distributor of the Hator brand in Ukraine is Eletek.
Hator is a Ukrainian company that manufactures gaming-specialized computer equipment such as mice, keyboards, chairs, mouse pads, headsets, and more.
The university has two campuses the central one being located in Kyiv, and the other in town of Slavutych.
The Kyiv campus of the university is located near the city centre in a park named after the university.
Here almost 9,000 of non-Kyivite students are accommodated in 21 dormitories, 3 of them for married students. The life conditions at the university domes is a matter of numerous complaints of their inhabitants usually living in an 18 square meters rooms by 4 people in the room.
The institute has an outpatient medical department for employers and students.
The Knowledge Square is the centre of the entire KPI complex, measuring approx. 105 x 100 meters. The Knowledge square is connected to one of the main city thoroughfare, prospect "Peremohy". Meetings, festivals, and graduation ceremonies take place at the square.
The University also has an assembly hall with 1,750 seats. It was opened in August 1984.
Various sport facilities also exist at the institute. There are training grounds, soccer fields, volleyball and basketball courts at student disposal. There are many nationally rated athletes among the students of this institute.
Some Institutes were organized on the KPI basis. Among them are: the Civil Engineering Institute. Technological Institute of Light and Food Industry, the Institute of civil Aviation, Automobile and Road Building Institute, Agricultural (now Agricultural Academy) and others. In 1934 - 1944 the KPI was called an Industrial Institute.
Educational, Science, and Scientific Complex "Institute of Applied Systems Analysis" (ESC IASA)
Educational and Research Institute of Telecommunication Systems (ITS)
Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management (IEE)
Institute of Aerospace Technologies (IAT)
Institute of Special Communication and Information Security (ISIS)[5]
Mechanics and Machine-Building Institute (MMI)
Institute of Materials Science and Welding (IMZ)
Publishing and Printing Institute (VPI)
Physics and Engineering Institute (PTI)
Inter-branch Institute of Post-graduate Education
Institute of Pre-admission education and Vocational Guidance
Applied Mathematics (FPM)
Biomedical Engineering (FBE)
Biotechnology and Biotechnics (FBT)
Chemical Engineering (IHF)
Chemical Technology (XTF)
Electric Power Engineering and Automatics (FEA)
Electronics (FEL)
Heat and Power Engineering (TEF)
Informatics and Computer Science (FIOT)
Instrumentation Engineering (PBF)
Linguistics (FL)
Management and Marketing (FMM)
Physics and Mathematics (FMF)
Radio Engineering (RTF)
Sociology and Law (FSP)
National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" (NTUU KPI) is a public technological university located in Kyiv, Ukraine.
The institute was founded on 31 August 1898 as the Kiev Polytechnic Institute of Emperor Alexander II, but its current building complex was not built until 1902. Until then, the institute was renting out its space at the building of Commercial School located on Vorovsky Street. At that time it had four departments: Mechanical, Chemical, Agricultural, and Civil Engineering. The first enrolment constituted 360 students. The leading Russian scientists Dmitri Mendeleev, Nikolai Zhukovsky and Kliment Arkadyevich Timiryazev gave substantial scientific and organizational assistance in the founding of the institute.
Viktor Kyrpychov was the first rector of the KPI. It was largely due to Kyrpychov's efforts that such professors like V.P. Yermakov, S.M. Reformatsky, M.I. Konovalov or Vladimir Zworykin became members of the first faculty.
Since its establishing the institute was involved in the 1899 All-Russian student strike, which resulted in arrest and exile of 32 students. In the beginning of 1899 in the institute was established underground organizational committee and had a close relation with the Kyiv council of united communities and organizations.
See also: Shuliavka Republic
In 1930, the Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture (KNUCA) was established on the basis of factory and communal construction branch of the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (KPI) and the Architectural faculty of the Kyiv Art Institute.
The deoccupation of Kyiv in November 1943 made it possible to restore the work of the institute: the registration of teachers, employees, students who returned to the institute began. Already in the second half of January 1944, an administrative commission for a set of students on the first course and renewal of senior students has begun. All efforts of the Institute's team were aimed at the restoration of the teaching base, because as a result of the Nazi occupation and brutal battles for Kyiv, more than half of the total area of educational premises was destroyed, hostels burned, looted property. Thanks to the inclusion of the Institute to the list of the most important industrial and transport universities of the country, students of all courses were exempted from the prize to the Soviet Army, they were provided with an increased scholarship (first of all, it concerned students who captured specialties from foundry, forging, press and chemical production). Since the timing of rebuilding works were violated, in the summer of 1945, students and teachers voluntarily during the month of holiday vacation performed urgent construction work.
Of great importance for improving the quality of training specialists had research and involvement of students, especially senior courses. The main form of their participation in research work in the postwar years were scientific circles, on the basis of which in April 1946, a student scientific and technical society was formed in the institute. At the time of creation, it had nine sections that combine 30 circles in specialties and about 500 students. Managed sections of leading scientists of the Institute.
In the history of the existence of universities, 23 rectors were headed.
In the long period of existence, the name of the institute has changed several times:
Actively developing, the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute became the basis for expanding and strengthening the network of Vishivs Kyiv, Ukraine. In 1923-1933, and in recent years, several institutions, universities, academies were created on the basis of departments and individual specialties of the KPI. On the other hand, the famous educational institutions of Ukraine entered the current composition of the university. Thus in the Military Institute of Telecommunications and Informatization of NTUU "KPI" by the official date of the creation is considered March 1, 1919 - the Day of Approval of the Rev-wake of the Republic of the Republic of Projects of Engineering Courses for the preparation of the team of the Worker-Peasant Red Army, which in 1937 became the basis for the Kyiv military school of ZV The tap them. M. I. Kalinina. Publishing-Polygraphic Institute [Since September 6, 2004], which included in the KPI in 1989, was founded on January 1, 1954 in Kyiv on the basis of the artistic-craft school of printers No 18, as an educational and consultative point (UCP) of the Moscow printing institute.