The first general director of VAZ, Hero of Socialist Labor, Honorary Citizen of Togliatti, Honorary Citizen of the Samara Region.
V.N. Polyakov was born on March 3, 1915 in Tomsk. He began his career in 1930 as an apprentice locksmith. Combining work in production with studies, he successfully graduated from the Moscow Automobile and Road Institute in 1938.
From 1938 to 1946 he served in the army. Member of the Great Patriotic War.
In 1946 - 63 he went from a test engineer to the director of the Moscow plant of small cars.
From 1963 - 65 - Deputy Chairman, Chairman of the Council of the National Economy of Moscow.
1965 - 1975 - Deputy Minister of the Automobile Industry of the USSR, General Director of the Volga Automobile Plant.
1975 - 1986 - Minister of the Automobile Industry of the USSR.
1986 - 1992 - expert of the Central Research Automobile and Automotive Institute.
1992 - 1993 - Head of the Consulting Department - Deputy Head of the Moscow Directorate of JSC AVTOVAZ.
1993 - 1999 - head of the consulting department, head of the consulting and expert department of the representative office of JSC AVTOVAZ in Moscow
1999 - 2004 - director of the analytical center of OJSC AVTOVAZ
V. N. Polyakov was awarded four Orders of Lenin, Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, Orders for Merit to the Fatherland, IV degree. He was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor. Front-line merits were awarded the Orders of the Red Star and the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree.
From left to right: Viktor Nikolaevich Polyakov - Deputy Minister - General. VAZ director,
Kosygin Alexei Nikolaevich - Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, 12/16/1971.
“Viktor Nikolaevich Polyakov was one of the team of the most experienced leaders of the Land of Soviets, among them - Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR A.N. Kosygin, his deputy V.N. Novikov, Minister of the Automotive Industry A.M. Tarasov. It would not be an exaggeration to say that on the scale of our country, Polyakov played the same role as in America - Ford, who was called the savior of the United States.
Initially, it was planned to appoint another leader as the director of VAZ. Viktor Nikolayevich, who was then Deputy Minister of the Automotive Industry, asked himself to be entrusted with the construction.
“Throughout my life I have never tried to get any position, especially an advanced one. But it was that exceptional case when I myself came to Minister Tarasov, being a deputy minister in charge of production at the Ministry of the Automotive Industry, and asked to be appointed director of the plant.
(Polyakov V.N. The results exceeded all my expectations // Freedom Square. - 2003 - July 18. - S. 1-3)
August 17, 1966 for the 51-year-old Polyakov began the epic of the Volga Automobile. And he withstood this most difficult test with honor - both for a specialist and for a person.
Under the leadership of Polyakov, the most complex project of the 20th century - "USSR-Italy", and specifically - "VAZ-FIAT" was successfully implemented. No one believed in his success in the West. Foreign newspapers wrote that it was a fantasy, not a factory. But Viktor Nikolayevich managed not only to organize the construction of a gigantic enterprise that brought huge profits to the country, but also did everything so that many industries of our country could rise to a new technical level, manufacturing materials and components for VAZ.
One of the merits of Viktor Nikolaevich Polyakov is that he managed to bring up a whole galaxy of talented leaders, thanks to whom AVTOVAZ survived in the most difficult years of the new Russia.
Polyakov was a brilliant strategist and tactician, a far-sighted leader, persistent, consistent, demanding and at the same time very caring. It is no coincidence that at the VAZ he was called Papa ...
(We called him Papa // Volzhsky autobuilder. - 2007. - March 03 (N 38). - P. 1.).
“That's what attracted me to the new plant, that the basis of its concept from the very beginning was the orientation not to the day before yesterday, not yesterday, but to today and even tomorrow of the automotive industry.”
(V.N. Polyakov through the eyes of contemporaries / ed.-ed.: Shavrin A. - 2nd ed., additional - Tolyatti: JSC "AVTOVAZ", 2004. - P. 19)
In 1975, Viktor Nikolaevich was appointed Minister of the Automobile Industry of the USSR. The period of his work at the head of the automotive industry is the peak of the development of the Soviet automotive industry. For eleven years, the Soviet Union has firmly established itself in sixth place in the world in the production of passenger cars (after the USA, Japan, Germany, France and Italy). The volume of annual production of passenger cars steadily began to be about 1.3 million units. And the total number of vehicles renewing the country's fleet has exceeded 2 million vehicles. VAZ, KamAZ, ZIL, GAZ and other car factories of the country developed consistently.
(KUDRIN K. Five General // Freedom Square. - 2001. - March 28 (N 55). - P.8-9.)
In 1992, at the request of the management of JSC AVTOVAZ, Viktor Nikolayevich headed an expert group under the General Director. The group was tasked with such tasks as: general management of the development of a combined feasibility study for all JSC technical development projects, effective allocation of financial resources to ensure technical development plans, development of proposals for changing organizational structures in connection with a change in the tasks for the technical development of JSC...
Under the direct supervision of V.N. Polyakov, such fundamental programs were adopted at the plant and, accordingly, orders were issued, such as “On the technical re-equipment of the plant in connection with the preparation for the production of a new family of VAZ-1118 Kalina cars”, “On additional measures to ensure the competitiveness of cars "VAZ" in market conditions".
(RYZHKOV P.P.V.N. Polyakov: "You are young, this is such happiness!" // Volzhsky autobuilder. - 2007. - March 03 (N 38). - P. 4.).
“I believe in you, in the Volga Automobile Plant, in its team, in its traditions, in the veterans and youth of VAZ. I believe in the fastest self-purification and restoration of the VAZ. And I am proud that the main part of my life was given to this wonderful organism.
(from a speech by V.N. Polyakov at a meeting dedicated to his 80th birthday at the interclub VA Za, March 10, 1995)
"Vek Polyakov"
DOCUMENTS AND MATERIALS [from the Library of the Avtograd Cultural Center]
Was and remained the first [Electronic resource]: an electronic version of the bio-bibliographic index published in the MBUK "Library of Avtograd" in 2015: to the 100th anniversary of the first General Director of AvtoVAZ V. N. Polyakov. - , 2015. - . - Text : electronic. - CD-ROM "Electronic resources IBO-2".
Togliatti celebrates the 100th anniversary of the birth of the founder of VAZ: [events in memory of V.N. Polyakova, the main milestones of the labor biography of the first general director of AVTOVAZ] // Volzhskaya commune. - 2015. - March 04 (N 50). - S. 1-2.
V.N. Polyakov through the eyes of his contemporaries / ed.-comp. : Shavrin A. - 2nd ed., add. - Tolyatti: JSC "AVTOVAZ", 2004. - 607 p. : ph. - ISBN 5-8259-0238-4.
VAZ for me is everything! [Text]: on the 90th anniversary of the birth of V. N. Polyakov, the first general director of the Volga Automobile Plant / [ed.-comp. R. Kiseleva]. - Tolyatti: [b. and.], 2005. - 32 p. : ph. - Public speeches by V.N. Polyakova.- Printed in the printing house of DIS JSC "AVTOVAZ".
Vek Polyakova: [a thematic selection of articles about the first general director of AVTOVAZ V.N. Polyakov] // Volzhsky autobuilder. - 2015. - 27 Feb. (N 6). - S. 4-5.
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Last modified on Monday, 21 February 2022 16:10
Among the whole variety of rear-wheel drive VAZ cars, every true “Zhigulist” has his own favorite model: someone likes naive round-headed “penny”, others like more angular cars of the fifth family, others generally “go crazy” for station wagons ... However, a significant part of the fans Togliatti classics is sure that it is the VAZ-2106 that is “the best Zhiguli of all times and peoples”, a sort of pinnacle of the rear-wheel drive line of the Volga Automobile Plant. Arguments are presented in a variety of ways. We will try to collect these puzzles into a single picture, which will help answer the question in the affirmative or negative: was the “six” really the best, and why?
A bit of history
The next Zhiguli model with a “working” index VAZ-21031 (similar to the VAZ-21011) was supposed to be a modernized “three-ruble note”, which we recalled quite recently. If the VAZ-2103 was positioned as a luxury version of the usual Zhiguli, then the "six" was supposed to become an even more comfortable and dynamic version of the "troika" itself. So to speak, a complete suite.
At the same time, the designers still did not have carte blanche for a serious body upgrade - as in the case of the "three rubles", they were only allowed to slightly modify the front and rear. At the same time, the new car was supposed to get rid of the “sixties touch” - more angular lines and a significant use of plastic parts in the decoration were rapidly coming into fashion. In addition, the designers had to solve the opposite problem in this way - a more “luxurious” model at cost price had to be made cheaper than the previous one, abandoning complex and expensive parts to manufacture, such as the radiator grille framing the optics and bumpers with L-shaped ends.
The VAZ designers coped with their task “perfectly well”, which we will talk about a little later and in more detail. In the meantime, a little chronology. The first "six" was assembled at the end of 1975, and already in February 1976, mass production of the VAZ-2106 began. In December of the same year, the "six" became the three millionth car produced in Tolyatti, and in June 1978, the four millionth. A year later, the "six" was also noted as the millionth Soviet car delivered to the countries of the Union for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA).
At the Volga Automobile Plant, the sixth model was produced until 2001 - that is, exactly a quarter of a century. And in 1998, famous for its default, the “geography of distribution of the six” became more extensive, because its production was partially transferred to other enterprises - first to Syzran to the Roslada plant, and then to the IzhAvto enterprise in Izhevsk, where it was produced until the end of 2005 of the year. Thus, the "six" at different car factories produced a total of exactly thirty years - one of the longest conveyor life for a particular model. Of course, during the release process, it was not without upgrades and updates, which did not always benefit the machine itself. And yet, how did the "six" manage to earn such love and respect from Soviet and Russian motorists? After all, cars with characteristic plastic "glasses" around four round headlights have produced no less than four million copies in three decades - again, almost a record figure for one particular model.
The VAZ designers V. Antipin and V. Pashko were able to really modernize the “three-ruble note” with minimal means, to make its appearance stricter, more concise and at the same time “fashionable”.
Plastic “fangs” and bumper endings, headlight bezels, completely original taillights in design, other caps - it would seem that small touches, but the “six” was really perceived by contemporaries as a new model, and not a modification of the usual “troika”.
"Six" looked even more prestigious VAZ-2103
"Six" looked even more prestigious VAZ-2103
At the same time, the designers and artists faced a very difficult task: they had to improve the Italian development without spoiling it at the same time. By that time, VAZ had already gained sufficient experience and had a certain taste, which made it possible to make the “six” even better.
After all, on the "zero fifth" and "zero seventh" models, the angular bottom was by no means ideally combined with a smooth roof and a small slope of the pillars and windows (especially the side ones).
Enough changes in the interior. In the cabin of the “six”, the completely velor upholstery of the seats attracted attention, head restraints appeared on the front ones, and in the instrument cluster there was a separate signaling device for insufficient brake fluid level and a rheostat that smoothly changes the brightness of the backlight.
After all, on the "zero fifth" and "zero seventh" models, the angular bottom was by no means ideally combined with a smooth roof and a small slope of the pillars and windows (especially the side ones).
Enough changes in the interior. In the cabin of the “six”, the completely velor upholstery of the seats attracted attention, head restraints appeared on the front ones, and in the instrument cluster there was a separate signaling device for insufficient brake fluid level and a rheostat that smoothly changes the brightness of the backlight.
Even such an insignificant "trifle" by today's standards as an alarm, also first appeared on the "six". Another new detail is the windshield washer stalk instead of the footswitch found on earlier models.
Even such an insignificant "trifle" by today's standards as an alarm, also first appeared on the "six". Another new detail is the windshield washer stalk instead of the footswitch found on earlier models.
As with the 1.3-litre 21011 variant, the designers increased the bore from 76 to 79 mm, which, combined with the triple stroke, resulted in an increase in displacement to 1.57 litres.
Due to the long-stroke motor, compared to the 2103 engine, it added 12% of torque, becoming noticeably more high-torque at low revs. At the same time, the designers made the transmission of the "six" much more "high-speed", reducing the gear ratios of some gears and the main pair. As a result, with an estimated engine power of 80 hp. Zhiguli of the sixth model crossed the one and a half hundred speed limit, accelerating to 154 km / h.
The 2106 engine was objectively the pinnacle of the Soviet small-capacity automobile industry, because later models of the "classic" used engines of smaller displacement and developed power, and the front-wheel drive "one and a half" gave out only 70 "horses".
Of course, over time, the "seven" had a modification with an engine from the VAZ-2106, which received the designation 21074, and in the Niva, already in the post-Soviet period, the working volume was increased to 1700 "cubes".
In fairness, we note that the "clean sixes" were released by no means the vast majority. The most massive was the modification 21061 with a one and a half liter engine 2103, and in the late eighties, under the hood, you could most often find the weakest possible engine, that is, 1,300 cc unit 21011, which was installed in the body of the sixth model until 1994.
The six was close in terms of noise isolation and smoothness to its "progenitor" of the third model. And after the “three-ruble note” was discontinued in 1985, it turned out that the “six” is the quietest, softest and smoothest. In addition, the new models (2105 and 2105) were still inferior to the “six” in terms of the quality of interior decoration, because the experience of operating the “fives” and “sevens” showed that their interiors with molded plastic parts are much noisier than the latter.
Salon VAZ-2106 - it does not happen softer. In subsequent models, hard plastic became noticeably larger.
Salon VAZ-2106 - it does not happen softer. In subsequent models, hard plastic became noticeably larger.
And after 10-15 years, when the interiors of all Zhiguli became equally outdated, the interior of the sixth model began to look "classically-noble". What is worth only one instrument cluster, which consisted of five separate round instruments! And the arrow "watch" in the center of the "torpedo" in the late nineties was already perceived quite "jaguar-like".
Gradually, plastic replaced the wood-like film, velor gave way to much more prosaic textiles, instead of chrome outside and inside, black plastic began to be increasingly used, and the color scheme of the interior noticeably “grayed”, having lost the bright colors of previous years.
On export "sixes" there was a PTF under the rear bumper
On export "sixes" there was a PTF under the rear bumper
On the other hand, in cars of later releases such important “little things” as electric heating of the rear window and a rear fog lamp appeared.
And not everyone needed the excellent stability and controllability characteristic of the Sputniks. That is why Soviet motorists, especially the older generation, if possible, chose by no means the most modern VAZ equipment, preferring the time-tested and such a comfortable "six".
A “blanket” of sound insulation under the hood is an invariable feature of luxury Zhiguli
A “blanket” of sound insulation under the hood is an invariable feature of luxury Zhiguli
At the time of the appearance of the VAZ-2106, it was the top of the Togliatti model range both in terms of positioning by the manufacturer and in terms of equipment. It is not surprising that this immediately affected the price of the car - in order to become the owner of the "best Zhiguli", at that time it was necessary to pay 9,100 rubles. At the same time, the Niva, with all its complex transmission and impressive off-road potential, was even 100 rubles cheaper!
For almost ten years, the third and sixth models were produced in parallel, and later they were joined by the "five" and "seven". Even despite the "Mercedes" front end and more modern design solutions, the new Zhiguli models failed to dislodge the "six" from the imaginary pedestal, which until the early nineties was considered the most prestigious VAZ model.
Only the release of a four-door sedan on the platform of Samara somewhat weakened the positions of 2106, but the final blow to the image was dealt by the "ten" - a car that was structurally more modern than the VAZ-2106 by not one, but two generations. A sixteen-valve engine, glued windows, a “slick” body - against the backdrop of “ten” innovations, the “six” already looked like an obvious alien from the past.
However, at the beginning of the 2000s, “grandmother was prettier” - at the new factories, the VAZ-2106 was painted in metallic color, equipped with an injection engine and more comfortable front seats ... Alas, at the same time, the car completely lost those trim elements that, in fact, distinguished this model from more "budget" VAZs. And at the beginning of the troubled nineties, which now I don’t really want to remember, the “six” was produced without chrome moldings on the body at all! True, a couple of years later at the VAZ they nevertheless came to their senses, and the chrome was returned to its place.
It's funny, but at a certain time, the same car in the eyes of potential buyers had a completely different image: if young motorists saw it only as an outdated and degraded "classic", then representatives of the older generation looked at it as "that very magnificent six" - the most expensive, dynamic and high-quality finished car of the Volga Automobile Plant.
In fairness, we note that for a significant time the sixth model of the VAZ really was such, offering the Soviet consumer maximum comfort and luxury - if, of course, this word is applied to one of the most massive cars on the planet.
1975 - the first VAZ-2106 was produced 1976 - the beginning of mass production 1998 - production was partially transferred to the Roslad plant (Syzran) 2001 - production began at the Anto-Rus plant (Kherson, Ukraine) 2002 - production of a model from Tolyatti transferred to the IzhAvto plant (Izhevsk) 2005 - the production of the model was discontinued
VAZ-21061 VAZ-2103 engine VAZ-21062 right-hand drive VAZ-2106 (1.6 l) VAZ-21063 VAZ-21011 engine VAZ-21064 right-hand drive VAZ-21061 (1.5 l) VAZ-21065 "improved" version with a "five-speed" "and bumpers 2105 VAZ-21066 right-hand drive VAZ-21063 (1.3 l) VAZ-21067 engine with injection system VAZ-21067-20 VAZ-21068 engine 2108 (aggregate carrier during the Sputnik development period)
1977 - small changes in the instrument cluster 1980 - Ozone carburetor instead of Weber 1982-1987 - partial abandonment of the chrome trim on the exterior 1986 - rear brakes from model 2105 1987 - gearbox from model 2106 1987 - elimination of reflectors on the rear fender and warning lights in the front doors 1987 - exhaust grilles from 2107 1990 - plastic gutters instead of chrome 1991 - caps 2101 instead of 2106
Congratulations to BioDiscovery's CEO, Soheil Shams, who was voted as a Top 25 Biotech CEO of 2020 by TechCEO Magazine. Dr. Shams joins a prestigious group of leaders in the genomics field such as Eric Lefkofsky (Tempus Labs, Inc.), Serge Saxonov (10X Genomics) and Othman Laraki (Color Genomics).
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Dr. Soheil Shams is the founder and President of BioDiscovery, Inc. a privately held bioinformatics company established in 1997 and based in El Segundo, California. Under the direction of Dr. Shams, BioDiscovery has played a pioneering role in development of software tools for conducting array-based research and more recently in clinical application of arrays and Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) in cytogenetic and molecular genetic diagnostics. He has worked with many of the pioneering scientists in genomics research and has authored over 50 technical publications and book chapters and has been recipient of multiple prestigious awards including the HRL Best Published Paper of the Year award.
Spoons - an ancient percussion musical instrument of Slavic origin, belongs to the class of idiophones. A playing set consists of 2-5 pieces: one piece of the set looks more massive, surpasses the rest in size, is called a game set, the rest are fan-shaped.
Origin story
Russian spoons are considered the oldest musical instrument. The original documentary evidence dates back to the 18th century, however, undoubtedly, the history of the origin of the folk instrument is much older. Some researchers believe that the origin of the Slavic musical subject is connected with the Spanish castanets.
Musical instrument wooden spoons
The Slavs used the simplest wooden musical instruments to help beat the rhythm a long time ago. They were used by shepherds, warriors, hunters, ordinary rural people, celebrating holidays, performing rituals and ceremonies.
Wooden spoons initially spread among the illiterate peasant population. This fact partly explains the lack of early documentary evidence. The old models were made by hand; equipping the structure with bells and bells helped to enrich the sound. An interesting fact: the expression "beat the bucks" meant the initial stage of creating an instrument, which is considered the easiest: you just need to make a buck from a block of wood. Cutting, rounding, grinding, scraping the workpiece is a much more complicated matter.
The difference between a musical model and cutlery is thick-walled, high strength, which helps to extract low sounds. An attractive appearance of the instrument was given by the colorful painting of the surface.
The 19th century is the period of the revival of primordially Russian musical instruments. Musical spoons have become full-fledged members of folk instrumental orchestras. Solo virtuosos appeared, accompanying the spoon game with complex tricks, dances, and songs.
Today the instrument is an indispensable part of the folk ensemble.
Game technique
Lozhkar (a person playing on spoons) extracts sounds using a variety of techniques:
double tremolo;
Usually spoons are played using 3 items. It is necessary to hold them correctly as follows: the first (playing) is in the right hand, the second, third (fan) are sandwiched between the fingers of the left. The blows are made by a “game” instance: with a sliding movement, the performer hits one cup, immediately moving on to the next one.3 hours 58 minutes ago
23 minutes ago, Putin announced the receiver, it turned out to be the well-known
It is possible to play with 2, 4, 5 items. Sometimes the performer is standing, sometimes he is sitting. The musician achieves a variety of sounds by making parallel strikes on the floor, body, and other surfaces. Spooners use many tricks: the simplest, accessible to beginners, complex, requiring experience, regular training.
Spoon game
Wooden spoons are actively used by modern musicians. The Slavic find has spread everywhere, it is found in the USA, European countries. The British rock band "Caravan" holds concerts using an innovation - electric spoons.
More often the instrument is used by orchestras playing folk music. Due to the simplicity, the simplest tricks of the game can be learned by people who are far from music, so the spoons fit perfectly into home ensembles, preschool children's groups.
In addition to the musical component, this instrument is a popular souvenir that inextricably personifies Russia, its culture and history.
Надежный источник информации. Агентство «Анадолу» информирует читателей о событиях в Турции и мире в сферах экономики, спорта, здравоохранения и технологий, публикует фото- и видеоматериалы.
The history of the creation of nesting dolls
Matryoshka is a painted wooden detachable doll with smaller dolls inside. This toy is rightfully considered the most famous and popular Russian souvenir. The history of the creation of nesting dolls is very interesting and still raises questions. There is a version according to which the Russian master created the nesting doll figurine after seeing a similar figurine brought from Japan. The Japanese doll, in which several more dolls were invested, symbolized the local gods of happiness.
Due to a tumor in her spine, Irina cannot feel half of her body and cannot walk.
Split pupae also existed in other cultures, for example, in India and China. The true origin of the matryoshka is still a mystery. However, most likely, the Russian master created the famous toy, inspired by Slavic images. A craftsman from Podolsk near Moscow, Vasily Zvezdochkin, invented the nesting doll shape in the 1890s, claiming that he had never seen Japanese wooden toys before. The question of the origin of the famous toy requires further study.
What was the first nesting doll?
What was the very first nesting doll? The author of the sketch of the toy, which was created by Vasily Zvezdochkin, is called Sergey Malyutin, despite the fact that Vasily Zvezdochkin never mentioned Malyutin in his memoirs. Sergey Malyutin worked in the "Children's Education" artel. It was the artel of the famous philanthropist Savva Mamontov. The first matryoshka depicted a girl with a black rooster in her hands, inside there were other dolls, the smallest of which was a baby in swaddling clothes.
The name of the new toy, of course, came from the name Matryona, which was very popular at that time. In 1900, the matryoshka was sent to the World Exhibition in Paris, where she received a bronze award. After that, this toy began to be made not only in Children's Education. Craftsmen from Sergiev Posad undertook to make nesting dolls, they also improved the technology for making nesting dolls. Most often, toys were made from linden, as it is a soft wood material that does not crack when dried. Alder or birch wood was used less frequently.
Matryoshka in the modern worldAt the beginning of the 20th century, Russian wooden toys gained immense popularity, visiting foreign exhibitions of this time several more times. Matryoshka is still the first and most desired souvenir for all foreigners visiting our country. Nowadays, you can see nesting dolls of all kinds, types, sizes and shapes. The imagination of the masters is truly limitless. Now it is not only traditional girls in headscarves.
Nesting dolls can depict:
historical figures,
literary characters,
heroes of folk tales and fables.
Modern masters can also depart from the classical form of nesting dolls. In Russia, several centers for the manufacture of matryoshkas gradually appeared. Widely known:
Semyonovskaya matryoshka;
Zagorsk matryoshka;
Tver matryoshka;
Vyatka matryoshka.
Each of them has its own distinct distinctive features.
Nesting dolls differ in technique, style of painting and material of manufacture. In many cities of Russia there are museums of Russian nesting dolls, where visitors can see wonderful handmade samples with author's painting.
There are such museums
in Sergiev Posad;
In Nizhniy Novgorod;
In Noginsk;
in Voznesensky.
Creating a matryoshka is not easy at all. Manufacturing takes place in several stages. From a bar of wood to a finished product, a matryoshka doll goes a long way. To acquire strength, wood must be aged in the open air for two years! Matryoshka is not just a souvenir, it is not for nothing that the toy appeared in the artel with the name "Children's Education". This is a great example of an educational toy for children.
Created just over a century ago, the doll still inspires craftsmen and delights people around the world with its beauty.
Read also:
Folk crafts of Russia
More than a craft: Why a real icon is always a miracle
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