Trausti Valsson (born 7 January 1946 in Reykjavík, Iceland) is a registered Icelandic architect and urban planner and a professor of planning, at the University of Iceland Department of Environmental and Civil Engineering.
In 1972, he received a Dipl. Ing. Architect in the City Planning Line from the Technische Universität Berlin. He also holds a Ph.D. in Environmental Planning, obtained in 1987 at the University of California, Berkeley.
Valsson has written on the subjects of urban planning, environmental planning and most recently on the effects of global warming, with about 100 published articles and twelve books, three of which are in English: City and Nature - An Integrated Whole, Planning in Iceland and How the World will Change - with Global Warming.
Reykjavík - Vaxtarbroddur: Þróun höfuðborgar, 1986 (Planning History of Reykjavík)
Hugmynd að fyrsta heildarskipulagi Íslands, 1987 (An Idea on the First Iceland-Plan)
Framtíðarsýn: Ísland á 21. öld, 1991 (A Vision for Iceland in the 21st Century)
Land sem auðlind - Um mótun byggdamynsturs, 1993 (Land as Resource, - On the Development of Settlement-Patterns)
Við aldahvörf - Stada Íslands í breyttum heimi, 1995 (At the Turn of the Century - Iceland's Position in a Changing World) Co-author Albert Jónsson
Ísland hið nýja (Iceland the New), 1997. Co-author Birgir Jónsson
Borg og náttúra ... ekki andstæður, heldur samverkandi eining, 1999
City and Nature - An Integrated Whole, 2000
Vegakerfið og ferðamálin, 2000 (Roads and Tourism)
Skipulag byggðar á Íslandi, 2002
Planning in Iceland, 2003
How the World will Change - with Global Warming, 2006
Architect/ Planner, TU Berlin 1972
PhD in Environmental Planning, UC Berkeley 1987
Part-time position at University of Iceland 1988
Tenured professor at University of Iceland since 2000
Author of 12 books and about 100 articles
Prefaces to the books written by ao: Oddsson PM of Iceland, Bjarnason Minister of Culture, Bjornsson Rector of Univ. of Iceland and Sir Peter Hall, Professor at UCL, London
Both Channel 1 and Channel 2 (in Iceland) have made TV films on Valsson
A nominee for the Nordic Environmental Prize in 2001
Recipient of several grants and prizes
"Wilmersdorferstrasse". (Competition on the first pedestrian street in W-Berlin). 3rd prize, 1971
"Playgrounds for the Reykjavík-Area". Competition. 1st prize, 1974
"Playground-equipment for the Reykjavík-Area". Competition. 3rd prize, 1974
"Living in Urban Areas". Competition. 1st prize, 1986.
"The Future of the Videy-Island". Competition. With Kristinsson V. and Mogensen K. 1st bought entry, 1988
"Restoration of the Fossvogur-Church". Competition. With Jónsson K., 1989