Given a line and any point not lying on this line, then only one single line can be drawn through it, which will be parallel to this first given line.
This axiom has two consequences:
a line that intersects one parallel line necessarily intersects another;
If two lines are parallel to a third, then they are also parallel to each other.
The concept of non-linearity is used more widely, acquiring an ideological meaning. The idea of non-linearity includes multi-variability, alternative choice of evolution paths and its irreversibility. Nonlinear systems are influenced by random, small influences generated by nonequilibrium.
Dissipative structures arising in the process of self-organization, for the implementation of which a scattering (dissipative) factor is required. The role of effluents is more important here. Such structures tend to a stationary state. Dissipative structures appear in open oscillatory systems with a strong external feed. The energy stored in them can be released, in particular, when weak excitations (fluctuations) enter the system, and the response of the system to this excitation can be unpredictably strong. Dissipative structures “live” (in the systemic sense) by using the rejected energy of the external environment for their own needs.
“Dissipativity is a factor of “natural selection” that destroys everything that does not meet development trends, a “sculptor’s hammer”, with which he cuts off everything superfluous from a block of stone, creating a sculpture.”
Brzezinski was married to Emily Benes (Czech-American sculptor). Emily Benes (niece of the second president of Czechoslovakia, Edvard Benes), with whom Brzezinski had three children. His youngest son, Mark Brzezinski (born 1965), is a lawyer who served on President Clinton's National Security Council as an expert on Russia and Southeast Europe, and US Ambassador to Sweden (2011-2015). Brzezinski's daughter Mika (born 1967) is a television host and co-host of MSNBC's morning program, Morning Joe, where she regularly comments and reads the program's news headlines. Brzezinski's eldest son, Jan Brzezinski (born 1963), is a Senior Fellow in the International Security Program and serves on the board of the Atlantic Group of Strategic Advisers. Yang served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Europe and NATO (2001-2005) and was a director of the Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corporation.
- The Statue of Liberty often appears in the frames of various films. The creators of "Titanic" also shot one episode against the backdrop of the famous sculpture - and made a historical mistake. In the film, the statue has a familiar greenish tint. But in 1912, during the events of the film drama, the copper of the monument had not yet oxidized and was of a noble metallic color.
Entrance to the observation deck, as well as visiting the museum located inside the statue, is free. But a small amount will have to be paid to take the ferry to Bedloe Island. You will have to spend time: visitors are carefully inspected. Precautions were stepped up after the September 11, 2001 attacks. The crown of the Statue of Liberty became open to the public only in 2009.
From 1346 to 1353, an outbreak of plague engulfed Europe, Africa and Asia, and resulted in the death of about a third of the world's population. The plague originated in Asia and spread to other continents through fleas carried by black rats, often found on merchant ships. Ports were major urban centers, they were ideal breeding ground for rats and fleas, and therefore the insidious bacterium flourished, devastating three continents in its path. The symptoms of bubonic plague are black boils, severe vomiting, fever, fever, diarrhea, and pain. The death rate was approximately 75 - 200 million people.
Varieties of this protocol: H96, H14, H16, H19, H21, H28, the difference is in the information transfer rate, which is 9600, 14400, 16800, 19200, 21600 and 28800 baud. Due to the low price, wide upgradeability and high noise immunity and high-speed data of the HST protocol, users buy famous USRobotics models such as Sportster, Worldport, Courier. ZyXEL modems are widely used, which have a specific ZYX protocol, which makes it possible to transfer data at a speed of 19200 baud in full duplex.
Expensive, but with a strong and stable signal, capable of ignoring even the protective filters installed on the PBX in order to avoid using modems for free. These are Telebit modems, TrailBlazer brands and the famous PEP protocol (Packet Ensemble Protocol). Almost all high speed modems are compatible with slower standards.
The Internet is a worldwide system of interconnected computer networks built on the use of the IP protocol and the routing of data packets. IP does not guarantee reliable delivery of the packet to the destination - in particular, the packets may arrive in the wrong order in which they were sent, two copies of the same packet may arrive, they may be damaged (usually damaged packets are destroyed) or not arrive at all. The guarantee of error-free delivery of packets is provided by some protocols of a higher level - the transport layer of the OSI network model - for example, TCP, which use IP as a transport.
The POP protocol supports simple "download and delete" requirements for accessing remote mailboxes. Most POP clients provide the ability to leave mail on the server after download, using POP clients typically connect, extract all mail, store it on the user's computer as new messages, delete it from the server, and then disconnect.
POP3 is a standard Internet application layer protocol used by email clients to receive mail from a remote server over a TCP connection.
The POP3 server listens on the well-known port 110. Communication encryption for POP3 is requested after starting the protocol using the STLS command (if supported), or POP3S, which connects to the server using TLS or SSL on TCP port 995.
Available client messages are captured when a mailbox is opened by a POP session and are determined by the number of messages for the session or, optionally, by a unique identifier assigned to the message by the POP server. This unique identifier is permanent and unique to the mailbox and allows the client to access the same message in different POP sessions. Mail is retrieved and marked for deletion using the message number. When a client logs out of a session, flagged messages are removed from the mailbox.
The Bible consists of the sacred books of the Old and New Testaments, which contain divine revelation about God, the world, and our salvation. Through divine revelations, God gradually (as humanity matured spiritually) revealed truths. The greatest of them is about the Savior of the world. Jesus Christ is the spiritual heart of the Bible. His incarnation, death on the cross for our sins, and resurrection are the main events not only of Sacred, but of world history.
Branch of life science that deals with the study of cells in terms of structure, function and chemistry
Cytology is the science of the cell. Cytology is the study of animal and plant cells. Cytology studies nuclear-cytoplasmic complexes and bacteria. A cell is an elementary living system consisting of cytoplasm, nucleus, membrane and is the basis for the development, structure and life of animal and plant organisms.
For the first time the name "cell" in the middle of the XVII century was applied by Robert Hooke (English encyclopedist, naturalist). Looking at a section of cork under a microscope, Hooke saw that the cork was composed of cells.
Starting point of reasoning
It is an approach to knowledge acquisition in which axioms are first developed and then new theories are formulated with their help.
There is only one straight line through any two points.
- Each point on a line divides this line into two parts so that points from different parts lie on opposite sides of the given point. And points from one part lie on one side of the given point.
- On any ray from its beginning it is possible to postpone only one segment equal to the given one.
- Segments obtained by adding or subtracting respectively equal segments are equal.
- Each straight line on a plane divides this plane into two half-planes. Moreover, if two points belong to different parts, then the segment that connects these two points intersects with a straight line. If two points belong to the same part, then the line segment connecting these points does not intersect the line.
- From any ray on a plane in a given direction, only one angle can be set aside, which is equal to the given angle. All angles are equal.
- Angles are equal if they are obtained by adding or subtracting correspondingly equal angles.
Nonlinearity is the property of a system to have in its structure various stationary states corresponding to various admissible laws of behavior of this system. Whenever the behavior of such objects can be expressed by a system of equations, these equations turn out to be nonlinear in the mathematical sense. The system is not linear if at different times, under different external influences, its behavior is determined by different laws. This creates a phenomenon of complex and varied behavior that does not fit into a single theoretical scheme. From this behavioral feature of nonlinear systems follows the most important conclusion about the possibility of predicting and controlling them. The evolution of the behavior (and development) of this type of systems is complex and ambiguous, therefore, external or internal influences can cause deviations of such a system from its stationary state in any direction. The same stationary state of such a system is stable under certain conditions, but not stable under other conditions; a transition to another stationary state is possible.
An important achievement of synergetics is the discovery of the mechanism of resonant excitation. A system in a non-equilibrium state is sensitive to influences consistent with its own properties. Therefore, fluctuations in the external environment turn out to be not "noise", but a factor in the generation of new structures. Small, but consistent with the internal state of external systems influencing the structure can be more effective than large ones. Nonlinear systems demonstrate unexpectedly strong responses to resonant perturbations relevant to their internal organization.
The Grand Chessboard - The main idea of the book - American superiority and its geostrategic imperatives - is one of the main works of Zbigniew Brzezinski.
Strategic vision - America and the Crisis of Global Power - Zbigniew Brzezinski was highly critical of US policy in this book.
- Initially, the Statue of Liberty was made for the Egyptians as a gift, in honor of the discovery of Suez, but Egypt refused the gift.
- Initially, there was a lantern in the hand of the statue, however, the secular public did not appreciate this idea, so it was decided to replace the lantern with a torch. This statue was supposed, in addition to decorating the city, to light the way for sailors, that is, its other purpose was the role of a lighthouse.
- The statue has a green color, because its shell is copper sheets, which over time, due to atmospheric phenomena, changed color.
- To date, it has been recorded that an ocean wind at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour is able to shake the Statue of Liberty by 7.62 centimeters, and its torch by 12.7 centimeters.
- Since 1984, the monument has been under the protection of UNESCO.
Patients who survived often had atrophy of the limbs and tongue. Humans were not the only victims of this contagion. Often animals, including dogs, mice, got sick and died from the plague.
This pandemic killed half the population of Europe (25% of Europeans south of the Alps), which allowed the Arabs to capture the Byzantine provinces in the Middle East and Africa. According to rough estimates, from 20 to 50 million people died, some researchers write about the death of up to 100 million people.
Zoologists noted that from the 6th century to the present day, the number of rodent species in Central Asia and the territories around the Caspian Sea has decreased by 80%.
Some researchers increase the duration of the Plague of Justinian to 600 years. They believe that there were three waves (580-582, 588-591 and 599-600).
HAYES-compatible modems, named after the manufacturer of one of the first modems, have become widespread. Such modems use AT commands (from the English word ATtention) compatible with Hayes Smartmodem, in addition to the standard command set for all Hayes-compatible modems, each manufacturer individually offers the user a wide range of specific commands that are valid only in models of this company (for example, USRobotics, Rockwell, ZyXEL). In addition to compatibility with the command set, the modem must comply with some standard for transmitting information over telephone lines.
Such standards are the recommendations of the CCITT (international advisory committee on telegraphy and telephony. In the USA and Canada there is a similar Bell standard, the only difference from CCITT is lexical.
Modems that comply with standards for speeds up to 2400 baud can exchange information freely. It should be noted that the CCITT V.32 recommendation is not a standard in the full sense of the word, as virtually every major manufacturer of modems above 2400 baud has a habit of additionally applying one or more specific data transfer protocols. Their use is possible only when connecting similar modems, and in this case, as a rule, a higher transmission rate, noise immunity and connection speed are achieved. The most common and cheapest (which is why it is popular among users) is the HST (High Speed Transfer) protocol, developed by USRobotics back in the late 80s.
Gopher is an application layer protocol developed in 1991. Prior to the ubiquity of the hypertext system, the World Wide Web Gopher was used to extract information (mostly text) from a hierarchical file structure. Gopher was the forerunner of the WWW, allowing menus to move from one page to another, gradually narrowing the range of information displayed. Gopher client programs had a text interface. Gopher menu items could point not only to text files, but also, for example, to telnet connections or WAIS databases. Gopher resources can now be viewed with a regular Web browser, as modern browsers support this protocol.
- An axiom can be interpreted as some expression of the symbolic language of calculus, if further reasoning is understood as the conclusions using it within the framework of this calculus. In this case, the reason for accepting the axioms is the very definition of the calculus in question. Here doubts about the acceptance of the axioms are meaningless.
- An axiom can be interpreted as some kind of empirical hypothesis, if further reasoning is understood as a branch of physics systematically developed on its basis. In this case, the reason for accepting the axiom is the belief in the regularity of nature, expressed by this hypothesis. Here, doubts about the acceptance of the axiom are not only meaningful, but also desirable.
- An axiom can be interpreted as an agreement to understand the terms involved in the formulation of a certain judgment, in any way, but still in such a way that, in understanding, the formulation under consideration expresses a true judgment. This is the case when further reasoning is understood as the conclusion of obviously true consequences from an ambiguously understood initial judgment. Here, doubts about the acceptance of the axiom are meaningless. When this kind of axiom is used within a scientific theory, it is often referred to as a meaning postulate.
- An axiom can be interpreted as a statement assessed as necessarily true (apodictic), if further reasoning is understood as any systematically developed doctrine that claims epistemological perfection (Euclid's geometry, Descartes' metaphysics, Spinoza's ethics, Fichte's science, Hilbert's metamathematics) . In this case, the reason for accepting the axiom is evidence of a special cognitive ability (intuition) for direct observation of certain (often called self-evident) truths. It is absurd to doubt the axioms within the framework of this claim, but the question of the justification of this claim itself is one of the deepest and most open problems in philosophy.
Synergetics pursues three main ideas: non-equilibrium, openness and non-linearity.
The state of equilibrium can be stable (stationary) and dynamic. A stationary equilibrium state is said to be in the event that when the parameters of the system change, which arose under the influence of external or internal disturbances, the system returns to its previous state. The state of dynamic (unstable) equilibrium occurs when a change in parameters entails further changes in the same direction and increases over time. Such a stable state can arise in a system that is far from stationary equilibrium.
For a long time, only closed systems that have no connection with the external environment can be in equilibrium, while for open systems, equilibrium can only be an instant in the process of continuous changes. Equilibrium systems are not capable of development and self-organization, since they suppress deviations from their stationary state, while development and self-organization imply its qualitative change.
Non-equilibrium can be defined as the state of an open system, in which there is a change in its macroscopic parameters, that is, its composition, structure and behavior.
Openness is the ability of a system to constantly exchange matter (energy, information) with the environment and have both "sources" - zones of replenishment of its environmental energy, the action of which contributes to an increase in the structural heterogeneity of this system, and "sinks" - zones of dispersion, "discharge » energy, as a result of which the smoothing of structural inhomogeneities in the system occurs. Openness (the presence of external "sources" ("sinks")) is a necessary condition for the existence of non-equilibrium states, as opposed to a closed system, which inevitably tends, in accordance with the second law of thermodynamics, to a homogeneous equilibrium state.
US Presidential Medal of Freedom (1981)
Order of Merit, 1st class (Ukraine)
Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise III degree (Ukraine)
Order of the Three Stars (Latvia)
Grand Cross of the Order of Tomas Garrig Masaryk (Czech Republic)
Order of Stara Planina (Bulgaria)
Grand Cross with Star and Ribbon of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany
Grand Cross of the Order of the Grand Duke of Lithuania Gediminas
Grand Officer of the Order of Merit (Hungary)
Order of the Star of Romania
Tocqueville Prize (2011)
Honorary degrees from Georgetown, Fordham, Lublin Catholic, Warsaw and Vilnius Universities, William College, Christ Church and Alliance
Honorary citizen of the city of Lviv
In 1982 the monument was restored. US leader Ronald Reagan followed this process. They organized a fundraiser again and raised eighty-seven million dollars. In 1984, the attraction was included in a number of monuments of world importance. In early July 1986, the complex was reopened to the public. This was done in honor of the statue's centenary.
The Statue of Liberty is a steel frame with a total weight of 125 tons. Gustave Eiffel (French engineer) was invited to design and build the steel structure, and Maurice Koehlin (French-Swiss Civil Engineer) continued his work.
The frame is constructed in such a way that inside the monument you can safely move around and even climb the spiral staircases to the top. There are 354 steps to the main observation deck located in the crown. Inside the pedestal is a museum, which can be reached by elevator. The crown has twenty-five windows, symbolizing the jewels of the Earth and the rays of the sun that illuminate the world. The seven rays of the crown symbolize the seven seas and seven continents. To climb to the top of the pedestal, you need to overcome one hundred and ninety-two steps. Thirty-one tons of copper was spent on the ebb of the statue.
From above, the steel skeleton is covered with copper sheets masterfully minted in wooden molds with a thickness of only 2.37 mm and a total weight of 31 tons. The copper plates spliced together form the silhouette of the statue. Copper was supplied to France from Russia. One leg of the statue stands on broken shackles - so Bartholdi (French sculptor) symbolically showed the acquisition of freedom. On the plate in the left hand of the Statue of Liberty, the date of the signing of the Declaration of Independence is July 4, 1776. The cement base of the Statue of Liberty weighs approximately 27,000 tons.