LiquidityGSR is a liquidity provider for complex digital assets founded in 2013 by Richard Rosenblum.
Jakob is the global CEO of GSR. Prior to joining GSR, he was Head of EMEA business at Two Sigma Investments and a board director of Two Sigma International. He has over a decade of experience developing business and investment solutions in systematic investment management, including roles at Winton Capital Management and Barclays Global Investors (BGI). Jakob earned a BSc in Economics from Lund University where he also completed the MSc coursework in Economics (without dissertation). He also holds a Ships Officers Degree, Class VIII from Chalmers University of Technology.
Co-Founder and Executive Chairman of GSR
Cris is Co-Founder and Executive Chairman of GSR. Before co-founding GSR in 2013, he worked as a commodities trader for 9 years at Goldman Sachs in New York. Since then he has managed an active portfolio of investments across the technology, real estate, hospitality and media sectors. Cris obtained a degree in Economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
Co-Founder and President at GSR
Rich is a Co-Founder and the President of GSR, and leads the group across strategic initiatives and growth. He began his career at Goldman Sachs where he spent 11 years between New York and London in commodities trading as a Managing Director and Global Head of Crude Oil and Derivatives Trading. Prior to joining GSR, he spent a few years on the buy-side, running energy trading teams at two New York-based hedge funds. Rich earned a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from Columbia University.
Co-Founder and Executive Chairman of GSR
Co-Founder and President at GSR
Building decentralized autonomous apps, smart contracts and consensus algorithms
An experienced, hands-on architect with over 18 years of leadership experience in designing and
delivering innovative business solutions for numerous banks, pension companies, and other private and
public institutions. Got experience working in all stages of software development life-cycle from requirement analysis to post-production. Developed high-performance, secure, and reliable software systems using Microsoft and open-source platforms.
Building decentralized autonomous apps, smart contracts and consensus algorithms