Mavia is- aэто multiplayerмногопользовательская strategyстратегическая игра Blockchain-basedна gameоснове thatблокчейна, allowsкоторая playersпозволяет toигрокам buildстроить basesбазы, growразвивать theirсвои armiesармии andи battleсражаться otherс playersдругими игроками forза внутриигровые in-gameресурсы resourcesи andкриптовалюту RUBY cryptocurrency.
The company is based in The British Virgin Islands and has offices in Maribor, Slovenia. NiceHash users are primarily video gamers who have powerful graphics cards (GPUs) suited to cryptocurrency mining. The company has over 2.5 million users in 190 countries worldwide as of November 2021.2021./