Affinity index must be greater than 100.
Media planning is a way to create such an advertising campaign plan in which the target audience will:
• maximally covered,
• with the required frequency,
• at the minimum cost.
Gross Rating Points - an indicator of the intensity of advertising exposure;
Reach - audience coverage (%);
Frequency - effective frequency of contact with the advertising message.
The right coverage is created by the most relevant communication channels for our audience. They are selected according to the Affinity index of the advertising channel to the composition of the target audience.
A media strategy is a communication policy tool designed to achieve the marketing goals of a business.
The main media planning formula is calculated as follows:
Basic Digital tools:
• Contextual advertising (~50% of all advertising on the Internet) is the placement of ads on search engines with pay per click.
• SEO - search engine optimization and promotion: a set of measures to ensure the correct indexing of the site by search engines and the presence of the site on the first page of organic search results.
• Media advertising - placement of text, graphics, video and audio advertising materials on sites relevant to the target audience.
• E-mail is a structured and systematic process of sending relevant messages to targeted users.
• SMM (Social Media Marketing) - sites and applications that allow you to create content and share it, as well as make contact with other users online.
• Mobile - advertising in mobile applications.
PR - public relations
Shaping public opinion - any non-personal information to consumers about a product that is not paid for by a specific sponsor.
Public relations are carried out through the creation and development of the information field of the brand - the publication in the media of interesting information about the brand and the life of the company.
The task of the company is to create an interesting event for the media. For example, an important milestone in brand development, a charity event, an interesting fact, etc. - everything that may be of interest to media consumers.
PR is the most trusted of all methods of communication and promotion, as it is carried out on behalf of journalists and bloggers.
PR is necessary in cases where:
They say little about you They say bad things about you They don't talk about you at all.
It is necessary to fill the information space with materials about the brand and the company, to suppress the attempts of ill-wishers to harm the image. It is necessary to neutralize the negative, take control of the results of reputation queries. An individual PR strategy and filling the media with information about the company and brand are required.
Digital communications
Digital communications make up approximately 30% of all advertising.
The digital environment constantly opens up new opportunities for businesses that go beyond the traditional understanding of communication and media channel.
A creative concept is a form of expressing the essence of a brand. It consists of a visual line, a slogan and textual support, which at the initial stage are presented in the form of a sketch of an A4 advertising layout.
A group consisting of an art director (responsible for the visual part) and a copywriter (author of texts) works on the creative. Depending on the scale, this group may be supplemented.
After the approval of the creative concept, it is embodied in the selected advertising media:
• scripts for commercials for TV, Internet, radio;
• banners for the Internet;
• layouts for press and outdoor advertising.
ATL (Above The Line) - advertising media "above the line", conditionally dividing all possible advertising channels into media and those used inside and near retail chains.
ATL = media advertising
The media listed is called ATL.
BTL (Below The Line) - a variety of promotions, tastings, presentations and other activities that relate to the direct involvement of the consumer in the use of the brand. Most often held inside or near shopping centers.
But they are increasingly used in traffic jams, places of increased pedestrian traffic for distributing leaflets or sampling (probes) of products.
Promotional materials for the design of points of sale in retail.
You need to find or come up with an original word or combination of words that would effectively express the essence of the brand, be understandable and memorable without frequent reminders from advertising. At the same time, it must be protectable - that is, it can be registered at least with Rospatent.
Name (phoneme).
The brand ideology finds its embodiment in image and communications. The design of the brand's appearance, its corporate identity and advertising should become translators of the brand's ideology - what it communicates about itself to its consumers. And in this message, people should see the answer to their unasked question: “Why should I buy you?”
"What do you call the boat ..." The role of this step cannot be exaggerated. As the name of a person affects his fate, so does naming affect the fate of the brand. Therefore, this stage is one of the most difficult.
You need to find or come up with an original word or combination of words that would effectively express the essence of the brand, be understandable and memorable without frequent reminders from advertising. At the same time, it must be protectable - that is, it can be registered at least with Rospatent.
When developing a name, you can start from different aspects: product, benefit, image of the consumer or the owner of the company, even abstraction - the question is, at what budget will this name take root in the market.
Law of effectiveness in naming: the closer the name is to the essence of the brand, the more effective its promotion will be.
This is a sign that expresses the name. Its font should reinforce the essence of the brand.
Product pyramid.
The consumer pyramid and the product pyramid should create a coherent, organic impression and fit together like a key to a lock.
The order of construction of the product pyramid is mirrored to the consumer pyramid and starts from the top - the essence of the brand, which is an appeal to insight.
The essence of the brand is a concentrated expression of the brand's image policy, the main advertising message that is broadcast through all the media. Can be used as a slogan.
Brand values - discussed in chapter 3. Order of description - from the bottom up: Fundamental, Highlighting, Motivating.
Emotional Benefits – Must match emotional needs.
Functional Benefits – Must match functional needs.
Grounds for trust – and the essence of the brand – in WHAT we say in advertising and the brand as a whole.
Further, on the basis of the brand pyramid, a creative brief is created - a task for developing a creative concept for promotional materials.
The brand's strategic platform is the foundation on which its promotion is built - the brand's ideology. Or the brand's ideological platform, relevant for both B2C and B2B.
In short, these are the answers to three main questions:
1. Who are we?
2. Who are we for?
3. Why us?
The third question is the main advertising message, or the essence of the brand - the cornerstone of its strategic platform.
There are several ways of its structural description. We will consider the most popular and detailed - the brand pyramid.
Formally, it consists of two parts:
1. Consumer pyramid, which describes the key aspects of the consumer's life, in which we need to fit the brand organically.
2. A product pyramid that describes the key nuances of the brand that will resonate with our consumer.
Together, they are called the brand pyramid.
Consumer pyramid.
An example of a Fetax consumer pyramid.
The logic behind building the consumer pyramid is as follows:
From understanding sociodemography and psychography to insight.
First we need to understand - who is our consumer, and only then - what drives them.
Sociodemography - characteristics that describe our person in society:
• floor,
• age,
• income,
• education,
• family size and composition,
• employment and social status.
Psychography - allows you to understand the nature of our person. Without this, we will not be able to build an emotionally penetrating communication that can effectively sell.
The situation of consumption - it is important to approach it informally. It describes the most relevant context for using the product.
Emotional and functional needs - arise inextricably from each other and are closely related to the situation of consumption. What is the situation - such are the needs.
The highest need is an aspiration that goes beyond the scope of the product and it is no coincidence that it is located above worldly needs.
Insight is what drives higher aspirations, a simple and personal unspoken human truth. The most difficult and interesting stage in the construction of the consumer pyramid, which is “digged out” during a strategic session or brainstorming using the “insight-activator” method.
It is insight that is responsible for making advertising effective: emotionally penetrating for the consumer and unique in relation to competitors.
From WHAT you communicate in advertising and HOW you express your message, i.e. The amount of advertising itself depends on the strategy of perception and creativity of advertising. The closer its content is to the consumer and further from competitors, the more it will be remembered, and the less budget it will require to achieve marketing goals.
3. WHERE TO POST a message - these are all media channels that allow you to reach the target audience in the best way.
The media strategy is responsible for this - the calculation of media weight and its distribution among the media to achieve marketing goals. Namely, creating the right level of brand awareness.
The issue of conversion at each stage of the funnel remains relevant. Its maximization is following one of the key rules: "Promotion and advertising is a well-told truth."
Everything we talk about in advertising should have grounds for trust: most often it is the consumer properties of the product. If, having succumbed to advertising and having bought a brand for trial, a person is satisfied with consumer properties, then, most likely, he will continue to buy our brand and recommend it to his relatives. Otherwise, the opposite will happen, and the conversion rate will decrease.
How to create such advertising that will involve our brand in consumption? Calls alone are not enough.
Communication is similar to human communication, and therefore has a similar structure.
Communication strategy structure
Let's look at the structure in detail:
1. WHAT to communicate - this is the main message that reveals the essence of the brand.
The essence of the brand is a concentrated expression of the brand's image policy. It should be emotionally relevant to the consumer and unique in relation to competitors.
The uniqueness of an ad is a reflection of the brand discriminator or USP.
The main message can be the discriminator/USP itself or express the benefits they bring.
The main message of the brand is the crystallization of ideology - the strategy of its perception, which may well become its slogan.
2. FORM OF EXPRESSION of the main message is a creative advertising strategy, brand image policy, figurative and plot lines designed to enhance the perception of the main message of the brand. The basis of its creation are the values of the brand and its personification.
At this stage, video scripts are written, banner layouts are visualized, advertising texts are created.
Promotion is the cornerstone in the work of a brand manager - efforts on other parts of the marketing mix are reduced to it, the essence of which, in turn, boils down to what we will promote.
WHAT we promote depends on HOW we promote, with what budget and return on investment - the price of promotion.