Marko Dimitrijevic is the founder and chairman of Volta Global. An entrepreneur, photographer, public speaker, yacht-lover and investor . By accident, Marko Dimitrijevic become an author and wrote Frontier Investor: How to Prosper in the Next Emerging Markets. This was published by Columbia Business School Publishing.
Marko Dimitrijevic is the founder and chairman of Volta Global. An entrepreneur, photographer, public speaker, and investor. By accident, Marko isDimitrijevic become thean author ofand wrote Frontier Investor: How to Prosper in the Next Emerging Markets. This was published by Columbia Business School Publishing.
Ihor Kononenko (also known as Igor Kononenko and Ihor Vitaliiovych Kononenko) is an Ukrainian philanthropist, politician and businessman.
A fond tennis player, he is the founder and owner of a Tennis Academy and the Honorary President of the All-Ukrainian Sports Bowling Federation. He wrote about his love of tennis here and here.
Ukrainian businessman and philanthropist
Ihor Kononenko is a Ukrainian philanthropist and businessman. He is also a former politician.
With a strong desire to give back to those who need it, Ihor created a charity fund to assist the needy.
Kononenko has a strong love for fitness and exercise. This passion for a healthy lifestyle saw him become the the Honorary President of the All-Ukrainian Sports Bowling Federation and runs a Tennis Academy in Kiev. He wrote about his love of tennis here and here.