ach one of the DRC staking pools corresponds to a particular pool from one of the existing projects (aka victim) in the ecosystem. Our pools work as a proxy, transferring funds for staking to the targeted pools through different adapters. In addition to that, each pool has a so-called drain functionality, that claims reward from the corresponding pool, subsequently selling it for ETH, and performing buyback-and-burn strategy on DRC-ETH pool.
Genesis is a multicreator gaming universe, with a diverse community working together to achieve a common goal: A metaverse that will still be growing, evolving, and actively played in 100 years.
Yield Optimizer built on Fantom and powered by the wrath of the Devil.
In order to provide liquidity in a DEVIL-USDC liquidity pool, you will need to create liquidity pool (LP) tokens. In order to acquire LP tokens, you will need to provide tokens in a 1:1 USD value ratio to the liquidity pool. This means that if you are adding to, say, a DEVIL-USDC pool, and wish to provide 2000 USDC worth of liquidity, you would need to acquire an equal value of DEVIL tokens first via any Fantom Swap (2000$ worth of DEVIL).
A yield optimizer is an automated service that seeks to gain the maximum possible return on crypto-investments, much more efficiently than attempting to maximize yield through manual means. Each vault has its own unique strategy for farming, which normally involves the reinvestment of crypto assets staked in liquidity pools.
At the most simple level Devil Finance vaults farm the rewards given from staked assets and reinvests them back into the liquidity pool. This compounds the amount of interest received and increases the amount staked that the yield is based on. A yield optimizer can repeat this process up to thousands of times a day. This fairly simple method is the principle reason behind the large APYs found on Devil Finance.
Compounding fees are amortized among all vault participants, giving back even more value to the users.
Farm APY: Farm’s yield when auto-compounded.
Daily Farm APY: Daily auto-compounded APY
Bonus APY: Yield you receive as a bonus to Farm APY in form of DEVIL token.
Daily Bonus APY: Daily compounded APY bonus
Total APY: Farm APY and Bonus APY combined
Total daily APY: Total Yield you receive daily
Yield Optimizer built on Fantom