October 2022
Launch of the first data center
Aero L-39 Albatros (Aero L-39 Albatros, Ellie) is a Czechoslovakian combat training aircraft. Designed to replace the Aero L-29 Delfin training aircraft. He made his first flight on November 4, 1968. In 1972, it was chosen as the main training aircraft of the member countries of the Warsaw Pact.
Serially produced by the Czech company Aero Vodochody until 1999. A total of 2,868 L-39s and 80 L-59s were built.
It is in service with more than 30 countries of the world.
L-39 is a training aircraft designed for initial training of cadets in piloting techniques in simple and difficult weather conditions day and night, training in combat use elements related to the interception of air targets visually, actions against ground targets, as well as training flight personnel of flight schools and combat units. It is possible to simulate some failures from the instructor's workplace, and for the purpose of training, the cadet is equipped with various types of flight and high-altitude equipment.
The training complex also includes a flight simulator TL-39 and a simulator for practicing ejection skills NKTL-29/39.
Brief description of the design
The L-39 is an all-metal monoplane with a low, straight wing, made according to a normal aerodynamic configuration. The aircraft is equipped with a tricycle landing gear with a nose wheel and a bypass turbojet engine.
It consists of two detachable parts - the front and tail, docked together along the frames (frames). The front part from the 1st to the 37th frame includes a nose cone and four one-piece compartments: bow, pressurized cabin, fuel and engine. In front of the fuselage from the 1st to the 7th frames there is a compartment for electronic and special equipment, there is also a niche for the nose landing gear. To access the equipment, the side panels of the compartment on the left and right can be folded up. Next is the compartment of the pressurized cabin (frames No. 7-No. 21a) with two workplaces for pilots - a cadet (front) and an instructor (rear). The cabins are closed by a common canopy, consisting of a fixed canopy and two covers that can be folded to the right. On the left side of this compartment there are steps and two folding steps. In the underground space there are blocks of radio equipment (on the left), a converter and a hydraulic accumulator (on the right), for access to which there are removable hatches.
Behind the cab there is a fuel compartment, frames from No. 21a to No. 29. There are five soft fuel tanks in the fuel compartment. The filling neck is located on the top-left behind the cab, between frames 24-25.
In the lower part of this compartment, a recess for the one-piece wing caisson is formed. In front of the wing, units of the hydraulic system, electrical and radio-electronic equipment are installed. Two lateral air channels of the engine adjoin the fuel compartment, which pass into a common channel of circular cross section.
Side air intakes semicircular in terms of section - subsonic, unregulated. Between the plate, which is the inner wall of the air intake, and the side of the fuselage there is a slot for draining the boundary layer. The front part of the engine compartment up to the fire barrier is occupied by an air channel, then, in the space of frames No. 32-No. 37, a sustainer engine is installed. Inside the engine compartment, guides are mounted for removing and installing the engine, as well as a fire extinguisher, units of the air conditioning system, electrical and hydraulic systems, an auxiliary power unit and an emergency air turbine with an electric generator. At the bottom of the engine compartment there are 4 maintenance hatches.
The tail section of the fuselage (frames 38 to 47) and the keel are a single structure, which can be dismantled if necessary to remove the engine. The tail section joins with the front one along 37-38 frames, and frame No. 38 is the power element of the quick coupling. An engine extension pipe and a jet nozzle are placed inside the tail section.
The training complex also includes a flight simulator TL-39 and a simulator for practicing ejection skills NKTL-29/39.
Straight, trapezoidal in plan, three-spar, one-piece in scope, with non-removable fuel tanks at the tips. Wing without aerodynamic and geometric twist. Attached to the fuselage with four hardpoints.
Rotary assemblies of the main landing gear are attached to the middle spar of the wing. Retractable double-slotted flaps are attached to the rear spar, which are controlled by a system of rods and rocking chairs. The flaps have three fixed positions: flight (flaps retracted), takeoff (released at 25 degrees) and landing (released at 44 degrees). The flaps have automatics, which itself removes them when the aircraft reaches a speed of 310 km / h.
Ailerons are located between the wing ribs No. 9-No. 14. On the left aileron there is an electrically controlled trim tab. Between the front and middle spars are brake flaps. The shields are controlled by the pilots at their discretion, but upon reaching the speed of M = 0.78 they are released automatically to prevent the aircraft from accelerating beyond the permissible speed.
Round fuel tanks are placed on the wingtips, each of which is divided into three compartments: the middle one is actually a 100-liter tank, the headlight, antennas and SRO units are placed in the front part, antennas and SRO units and electrostatic dischargers are located in the rear part.
On the 11th rib of each plane, an air pressure receiver is installed. The left PVD is the main one, the right one is the reserve one.
Two wing beam holders L39M-117, L39M-118 are installed on the lower surface of the wing. The holders are equipped with standard DZ-57D locks and allow hanging free-fall bombs of 50 or 100 kg caliber, UB-16-57U blocks and APU-13M1 launchers with I-318 training guided missiles
Tail unit Trapezoidal.
The keel is two-spar, with a set of stringers and ribs. On the ribs No. 2, 3 and 7 are the rotary nodes of the rudder. PH with aerodynamic compensation and weight balancing, and structurally has no trimmer.
The stabilizer with a through middle part is attached at two points to the rear of the fuselage. The elevator consists of two halves, each of which has a trim tab with an electric drive. The right trimmer is controlled by buttons from the cockpit, while the left one works automatically, depending on the flap angle. A spring booster is built into the longitudinal control system, which reduces the force on the control stick during takeoff, when the elevator deflection angle exceeds an angle of 11-13 degrees.
Fuel system
It consists of five soft fuel tanks placed in the fuselage with a total capacity of 1100 liters and two console tanks of 100 liters each. Refueling is carried out through three fillers - a common neck for the fuselage tanks in the 2nd tank and one neck each on the wing tanks. All fuel flows by gravity into the 5th tank, which is consumable.
To prevent cavitation of fuel, a booster electric fuel pump LUN-6280 is installed in the supply tank. Air with an excess pressure of 0.4 ... 0.45 kgf / cm² is supplied to the cantilever fuel tanks from the engine compressor, which squeezes the fuel into the supply tank. To supply the engine with fuel at negative g-forces, a fuel accumulator is installed in the system, which is also pressurized with air from the engine, with an overpressure of 0.4 ... 0.45 kgf / cm².
Control over the amount of fuel in the fuselage tanks is carried out using a capacitive fuel gauge in the 2nd tank, fuel gauges in the cockpit and blenders on fuel gauges that indicate the output of cantilever tanks.
The emergency remaining fuel is 150 kg. Applied grades of fuel: domestic T-1, TS, RT; foreign PL-4, PL-5, PL-6
Fire fighting system
An SSP-2I fire alarm system with a BI-2I unit with six DTBG sensors, an OS-2 fire extinguisher charged with liquid "7" (80% methylene bromide and 20% ethyl bromide) or freon 114V2 under pressure was installed. The system only protects the engine compartment. The inclusion in the work is manual, from the buttons in the cockpit.
Hydraulic system
The hydraulic system is designed to retract and extend the landing gear, retract and extend the flaps, retract and extend the brake flaps, brake the wheels, and extend the emergency turbine. The source of hydraulic energy is a variable displacement hydraulic pump type LUN 6101.
The emergency hydraulic system is intended only for the safe completion of the flight in case of failure of the main hydraulic system. Three hydraulic accumulators are installed in the emergency system, which ensure the release of the flaps to the landing position, the extension of the landing gear without closing the doors, the retraction of the brake flaps, the release of the emergency turbine, and undifferentiated braking of the wheels. It should be noted that in the event of an engine shutdown in flight, some pressure in the hydraulic system is created at the engine autorotation speed, which is sufficient for the operation of the hydraulic units, but for a longer time.
The working fluid of the hydraulic system is AMG-10 oil, with a discharge pressure of 150±10 kgf/cm².
Electrical equipment
The source of electricity on board is a 28.5-volt DC generator of the VG-7500YA type, with a power of 9000 W, with ballasts and a 12CAM-28 acid battery.
The reserve source of electricity is the LUN 2117.02 generator with a power of 3000 W, installed on the V-910 emergency air turbine, which, if necessary, is released into the oncoming flow. Provides for automatic release of the turbine, forced and reserve.
For AC power, two static converters LUN 2456 and LUN 2457 and a three-phase electric machine PT-500Ts, as well as control and protection equipment, are installed. On aircraft after the 19th series, instead of the LUN 2457 converter, two LUN 2458.8 converters were installed
To connect a ground source, a standard plug connector for airfield power supply SHRAP-500 is installed.
Instrumentation and flight and navigation equipment
Flight and navigation equipment includes: a combined speed and M number indicator LUN 1170, an altimeter VD-20, a remote attitude indicator AGD-1, a gyromagnetic compass GMK-1AE, a combined variometer with a turn and slip indicator LUN 1180, a radio compass indicator LUN 3615, a radio altimeter UV- 5, NPP navigation and flight instrument and AChS-1 watch. Both cockpits of the aircraft are equipped with these instruments or their indicators. In addition, a g-force indicator with an LUN 1722 alarm and an emergency magnetic compass LUN 1221 are installed in the front cockpit. ) wing planes. In the instructor's cabin, on the middle console, there are switches and taps that can be used to simulate the failure of gyroscopic and membrane-aneroid devices for training purposes.
Some of the aircraft are equipped with the SDU-39 director control system. Instead of the artificial horizon AGD-1, they have a checkpoint flight control device installed on them. The SDU-39 system is intended for issuing command control signals to the roll and pitch director arrows when performing a landing approach at aerodromes equipped with a course-glide path system, in accordance with the standards of the 1st category, as well as issuing a signal to the pitch arrow when flying in the mode height stabilization.
Radio electronic equipment
Radio equipment is subdivided into radio communication, radio navigation and radio equipment.
Radio communication equipment consists of a command VHF radio station RTL-11 (or VHF-DTSV radio station R-832M), an autonomous aircraft intercom and a SPU using the low-frequency circuits of the VHF radio station (only when RTL-11 is installed). The slot-type radio antenna is located under the radio-transparent tip of the keel.
Radio navigation equipment includes: short-range navigation and landing equipment RSBN-5S (Iskra-K), automatic radio compass RKL-41, low-altitude radio altimeter RV-5 and marker radio receiver MRP-56PS.
The radio equipment is a set of SR0-2M (responder), the antennas of which are located in the forward and aft parts of the fuselage and under the radio-transparent fairings of the wing tanks, and the control panel and the “explosion-disaster” shield are on the starboard side of the front cockpit.
Altitude, oxygen equipment and special equipment
The aircraft uses a two-seat pressurized cabin of a ventilation type, with pneumatic hoses (tubes) for sealing the hinged covers of the lanterns and a visor, and constant pressurization of the cabin with air taken from the last stage of the engine compressor. Compressed air for the sealing system is charged into a cylinder at a pressure of 150 kgf / cm² and is reduced to a pressure of 1.8-2.55 kgf / cm² before being fed into the sealing system.
The cabin air conditioning system is standard, with the division of the air flow into hot and cold lines with subsequent mixing of the flows. In the cold line are installed: an air-to-air radiator, a turbo-cooler and a water repellent.
The pressure regulator ARD-57V provides free ventilation of the cabin up to a height of 2000 meters, then up to a height of 7000 meters there is a gradual increase in boost, and after 7000 meters the boost pressure remains constant and equal to 0.21-0.25 kgf / cm².
In addition to pressurization and air conditioning of the cabin, there is individual ventilation at each workplace. Ventilation of anti-g suits PPK-1U or VKK-3M (VKK-6M) is also provided.
For training purposes, the aircraft is equipped with a set of oxygen equipment KKO-5, designed for altitudes up to 40 km. Oxygen is stored in four MA-4 cylinders and two MA-2 cylinders with a working pressure of 150 kgf/cm². All flights can be performed in a protective helmet ZSh-3 or ZSh-5, with an oxygen mask KM-32 (KM-34). The equipment of the front cockpit only allows the cadet to be equipped with a VKK-6M (VKK-3M) high-altitude compensating suit with a GSh-6A (GSh-6M) pressure helmet, or a VMSK-4 high-altitude sea rescue suit or VK-3M ventilating overalls.
Emergency equipment
Means of emergency escape of the aircraft in flight include pyrotechnic systems for dropping the hinged parts of the canopy and ejection installations installed in the front and rear cockpits. The VS-1 BRI ejection system consists of an ejection seat, a telescopic firing mechanism and a powder rocket engine. There is a stabilizing parachute in the headrest of the chair, a stabilizing parachute for the pilot and a rescue parachute are laid in the niche of the seat back. To prevent the pilots from colliding with each other during ejection and also with dropped lanterns, an electric ejection order system was installed.
When flying over the sea, the crew is equipped with life jackets of the ASZH-58 type or ASP-74 life belts.
The armament of the L-39 aircraft includes bomber, unguided missile weapons and guided missile training weapons, aiming and photographic equipment, which allows for targeted dive bombing with free-falling ammunition of 50-100 kg caliber, aimed firing with S-5 unguided missiles, imitation of the launch of guided missiles on air targets using I-318 simulators, photoshooting on air targets.
For the suspension of weapons on the aircraft, two underwing beam holders L39M-117, L39M-118 are installed. It is possible to install sixteen-barrel rocket blocks UB-16-57U and launchers APU-13M1 on the beam holders.
The armament also includes:
aviation rifle sight ASP-ZNMU-39 in the front cockpit, designed for aiming when using ground-based weapons and shooting at air and ground targets;
photocontrol device FKP-2-2, mounted on the aiming head ASP-ZNMU-39;
radar rangefinder SRD-5MK "Kvant";
allowed range computer VRD-2A;
and other equipment.
Chains of combat use of weapons can be blocked from the instructor's seat. Also, the use of bombs and missiles is impossible at a flight speed of less than 310 km / h.
For signaling, an EKSR-46 flare cassette was installed on the aircraft, for four standard 26 mm caliber rockets.
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What is Nacho Finance & The NACHO Token?
Nacho Finance was inspired by tomb.finance and is a seigniorage style algorithmic stablecoin protocol designed to bring high APRs, with low fees, to Ethereum holders on the Polygon Network.
Nacho Finance is a multi-token protocol that consists of the following three tokens: - Nacho Token (NACHO) (Medium of exchange) - Nacho Shares (NSHARE) (Governance & Measure of protocol value) - Nacho Bonds (NBOND) (Change NACHO supply during contraction periods)
The NACHO algorithmic token serves as the backbone of our growing ecosystem aimed at bringing high APRs to ETH holders on the Polygon Network. The protocol's underlying mechanisms dynamically adjust NACHO's supply, pushing its price up or down relative to the price of ETH in order to keep NACHO's peg to the ETH price.
NACHO Shares (NSHARE) are one of the ways to measure the value of the NACHO Protocol and shareholder trust in its ability to maintain NACHO close to peg. During epoch expansions the protocol mints NACHO and distributes it proportionally to all NSHARE holders who have staked their tokens in the Bowl. Additionally, NSHARE holders have voting rights (governance) on proposals to improve the protocol and future use cases within the NACHO money ecosystem.
NACHO Bonds (NBOND) main job is to help incentivize changes in NACHO supply during an epoch contraction period. When specific conditions are met the NBOND can be obtained through the burning of the NACHO token. Later, during phases of expansion NBOND can be brunt in exchange for NACHO.
How Many NACHO Tokens Are There in Circulation?
The Nacho Finance Protocol launched on December 9th 2022. Since inception nearly its 1 million NACHO have been minted. The total supply and circulating supply dynamically change over time based on NACHOs time spend either above Peg (Expansion phase) or below Peg (Contraction Phase).
Who Are the Founders of Nacho Finance?
Our team is led by industry veterans of 10 years — people behind some of the earliest cryptocurrency and blockchain success stories dating back to 2012. While we remain anonymous, sharing the spokesperson identity Felis Silvestris, we understand the importance of accountability in the space, and have KYC’d with RugDoc to provide that assurance. At the end of the day, we are here to ungate and democratize advanced decentralized financial tools for everyone regardless of their background or exposure to Cefi or Defi. Thereby unlocking, for everyone, the power of compound interest to sustainably build wealth independent of existing legacy frameworks. Nacho is for everyone, everywhere; it’s part altruism, part justice, and it’s all Nacho Libre!
Where Can I Buy NACHO?
NACHO is available for trading on the largest DEX on Polygon, QuickSwap.