Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Private Law Research Center named after A.I. S.S. Alekseev under the President of the Russian Federation” is a unique organization that carries out research and educational activities in the field of civil law and private law. For more than 30 years, the Research Center has united leading experts in t
Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Private Law Research Center named after A.I. S.S. Alekseev under the President of the Russian Federation” is a unique organization that carries out research and educational activities in the field of civil law and private law. For more than 30 years, the Research Center has united leading experts in t
Other organization in moscow, russia
A subdivision of the Research Center for Private Law, which is engaged in educational activities in Moscow and in the Ural branch of the Research Center (Yekaterinburg).a
Russian lawyer, retired judge of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Law, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation.
Russian lawyer, retired judge of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Law, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation.
The book of the famous Russian lawyer and jurist I.A. Pokrovsky `History of Roman Law` is a brief excursion into the history of Ancient Rome and its legal system. The system of norms regulating various types of property relations, property rights is considered. Talking in detail about the private and public law of Ancient Rome, the author presents.
Book by I. A. Pokrovsky "Main Problems of Civil Law". In it, in the historical development, the main questions are given, over the solution of which the outstanding minds of the world legal science struggled, their close connection with the developments of domestic civil law is shown.
Book by I. A. Pokrovsky "Main Problems of Civil Law". In it, in the historical development, the main questions are given, over the solution of which the outstanding minds of the world legal science struggled, their close connection with the developments of domestic civil law is shown.
The book of the famous Russian lawyer and jurist I.A. Pokrovsky `History of Roman Law` is a brief excursion into the history of Ancient Rome and its legal system. The system of norms regulating various types of property relations, property rights is considered. Talking in detail about the private and public law of Ancient Rome, the author presents.
Russian jurist, professor, doctor of Roman law.