SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Research Proposed: Building off of the successful Phase I design effort, research is proposed to develop an innovative condition-based maintenance (CBM) data collection, analysis, offload, prognostic and diagnostic system for implementation on the combatant craft platform. Problem Statement: Capturing CBM data in an efficient manner is key to maintaining accurate predictions of vehicle health. While current combatant crafts support limited onboard data logging and real-time alerts, the data does not include human factors data, is not easily exportable and does not archive anomalistic data sets in which the important relevant data is presented in a focused manner for prognostic evaluation of impending issues.Plan/Process Outline: The Phase I design will be developed into a system for capturing, offloading, and evaluating health and human factors data collected onboard combatant crafts. Captured data will be offloaded with a secure offload method, tailored for combatant craft in both secure and unsecure environments. The system will support prognostics, providing maintenance personnel the capability to identify imminent issues in an intuitive fashion.