SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Research Proposed: Research is proposed to develop a novel system-level impact analysis capability into the Software Change Impact Analysis Tool (SCIAT), for usage on Submarine Warfare Federated Tactical System (SWFTS) and other large scale integrated systems.Problem Statement: SCIAT is a software tool that objectively identifies all areas impacted by code changes (direct and indirect). Using a combination of static, dynamic and test completeness analysis to automatically identify which regression tests need to be run, SCIAT can recommend modifications to tests to improve coverage of impacted areas. However, these results are more relevant to the software developer/unit tester than a system/integration tester. Using system-level impact analysis, results can be directly applied to large scale integrated systems, where testing analysis is aligned with interfaces, functions and system-critical areas.Plan/Process Outline: Building off the Phase I effort, Trident will refine the SCIAT requirements and operational concept with respect to SWFTS and large-scale systems, extend SCIAT to support system-level impact analysis by linking its structured code model to the system behavior model and using the resulting traceability to define impacts to functions, interfaces and safety critical areas. Trident will integrate the resulting tool for use on the SWFTS program.