SBIR/STTR Award attributes
At present, there is no cross domain solution that is certified to filter streaming video data.The proposed effort is to develop a Cross Domain Full Motion Video (CD FMV) solution, which will be based on Tridents certified Voice & Video Cross Domain Solution (V2 CDS).The desired end state for the CD FMV technology is a fundamentally new product that leverages Tridents Assured Pipeline and XML filters to filter the KLV meta-data.The majority of the effort will be to develop a Gateway application capable of sending and receiving FMV sources with KLV meta-data.The planned approach to mature the CD FMV technology is (1) identify, develop, and implement additional technological capability and functionality to address ERSA and other Air Force operational requirements; ensure interoperability with existing infrastructure and applications, and (2) identify, develop, and implement security controls necessary for certification/accreditation.The planned approach to transition the CD FMV technology is to (1) work closely with the system integrator at the ERSA Development Lab; (2) submit/support the CD FMV technology during the Government certification and accreditation process; and (3) deploy an operational instance of the CD FMV technology at the two ERSA Fusions Centers.