A decentralized protocol that allows generating yield on limit orders.
A decentralized protocol that allows generating yield on limit orders.
Symphony Finance maximizes the total return using limit order + yield generation. The sell asset is deposited to a yield generating protocol like AaveAave, StableStable, YearnYearn, etc. This feature allows limit orders to earn yield for the time they are on the order book. The order creator receives the buy asset automatically when the order is filled. The orders are filled automatically by "Executors". The executor receives a small fee for executing the orders as they have to bear the expenses for running the relayer service and transaction costs.
A decentralized protocol that allows generating yield on limit orders.
Symphony Finance maximizes the total return using limit order + yield generation. The sell asset is deposited to a yield generating protocol like Aave, Stable, Yearn, etc. This feature allows limit orders to earn yield for the time they are on the order book. The order creator receives the buy asset automatically when the order is filled. The orders are filled automatically by "Executors". The executor receives a small fee for executing the orders as they have to bear the expenses for running the relayer service and transaction costs.
Stop-loss is another great feature that allows for minimizing risk in case the sell asset price goes below a certain price threshold. Symphony limit orders are obviously different from the traditional limit orders where the seller assets are not utilized while the order is on the order book.
A decentralized protocol that allows generating yield on limit orders.