SBIR/STTR Award attributes
The Navy has made a substantial investment in fiber-based high-energy lasers (HELs) as evidenced by the HELIOS program. Efficient, low size, weight and power (SWaP) are essential for deployment of the HELs on mobile platforms. The SWaP of fiber-based HELs is largely dictated by the efficiency and SWaP of laser diode fiber coupled modules (FCMs). Under Phase 1, SRL experimentally demonstrated a 51-53% efficient, kilowatt (kW), low-SWaP (0.7cc/W, 0.7g/W) FCM. In Year 1 of the Phase 2 effort, SRL will increase the FCM efficiency to 57% and by the end of the Base Phase 2 program, will deliver a 60%, kW FCM to MIT Lincoln Laboratory (MIT LL). The SWaP of the FCM delivered to MIT LL will be 0.5cc/W and 0.5g/W. Efficient, low-SWaP kW FCMs are essential for ship-based defense that require =300kW HELs to defend ships against increasingly sophisticated missiles. It is noteworthy that there are no efficient, low-SWaP commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) kW FCMs available. Under the Phase 2 Option, SRL will deliver six, 60% efficient low-SWaP FCMs to MIT LL. These FCMs will be the basis for demonstrating a >45%, 5kW high-power fiber laser.