SBIR/STTR Award attributes
The DOE’s Light Water Reactor Sustainability (LWRS) program has funded 2 software packages, LOGOS and SR2ML. One of the key goals of LWRS is to manage the aging of systems, structures, and components (SSCs) so nuclear power plants can continue to operate safely and cost-effectively. The Safety, Risk, Reliability Model Library (SR2ML) is a software package that contains a set of reliability models designed to perform both static and dynamic system risk analysis and determine risk importance of specific elements of the considered system and failure time of systems. This software contains a set of discrete optimization models that can be employed for capital budgeting optimization problems. LOGOS integrates economic and reliability risk in a single analysis framework. More specifically, provided SSC health information (e.g., failure rate or failure probability), O&M costs, replacement costs, cost associated with component failure, and plant budget constraints, LOGOS provides the optimal set of projects (e.g., SSC replacement or refurbishment) that maximizes profit and satisfies the provided requirements. Targeted towards system engineers, reliability engineers and asset management personnel, INL has developed a sophisticated set of the models and quantitative methods to manage and optimize plant maintenance activities. However, these systems are complex and lack a simplified front-end system to exploit their potential to the fullest. Due to its technical and algorithmic complexity, normal users will find it difficult to use the software and derive the benefits. As part of this SBIR, Quantum will collaborate with the team at Idaho National Labs who created LOGOS and SR2ML to. Further develop, extend and enhance the existing modeling capabilities in terms of plant resources optimization and plant reliability modeling features of SR2ML and LOGOS and looking into the commercialization and the deployment of these tools in the nuclear industry. Develop a front-end computational platform to simplify the use of INL’s SR2ML and LOGOS software and provide the user with concise and adequate information. Once simplified with user-friendly tools and pipeline, more users will be willing and able to use the platform and derive the benefits of the powerful features of SR2ML and LOGOS software platform. Identify, extend and enhance existing modeling capabilities in terms of plant resources optimization and plant reliability modeling. Expand the software applicability to other industries as SR2ML and LOGOS have flexible and extendable technology architecture. Develop a computational platform architecture and product simplification roadmap outlining the list of steps to be taken to make the software more user-friendly with better user experience. Prepare the Phase 1 Feasibility Report and a Phase 2 prototype development road-map plan.