SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Quantum Ventura Inc in collaboration with leading experts in meta-optic design and fabrication, to develop and demonstrate an optical computing-based image recognition system through the use of inverse design.During Phase 1, we will 1) survey existing meta-optic methodologies, 2) design, model and analyze meta-optic device options, 3) fabricate and characterize a meta-optic sample, 4) advance work in multifunction meta-optics and develop a process description along with risk mitigation strategies, and create a test plan for Phase 2 and submit the phase 1 report.The stated solicitation goals are to design and demonstrate the feasibility of a device for image recognition in visible/near-IR (NIR) using a structured optical medium which can perform image recognition tasks at an extremely low latency, less than 10µs, with throughput of 100,000 or more images per second and generate estimates of power consumption which will not exceed 1mW.