SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Qualtech Systems, Inc. (QSI), in collaboration with VU proposes to develop a state-of-the art HMS system featuring: (1) Low Hardware cost by leveraging industrial-grade computers ruggedized to military specifications (2) Low Software cost by leveraging QSI’s COTS TEAMS software with real-time monitoring and diagnosis capabilities (3) Vibration and Shock Analysis and its impact on vehicle and crew health (4) Anomaly detection and prognostics (5) Intelligent logging of data, and(6) Fleet health management and guided troubleshooting capabilities with integrated ground station support. In our model-based approach, system knowledge will be captured in models and onboard software will not have any hardcoded dependency to the target platform, so that the solution can be updated by simply updating models (data files), avoiding the need for expensive software modifications and recertification. The proposed HMS solution will improve combatant craft availability, make operations more cost-effective and efficient and increase mission reliability. While the application platform proposed here are Navy Combatant craft, the solution developed here can be applied to a wide variety of vehicles and platforms, including unmanned boats and submarines.