SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Qualtech Systems, Inc. (QSI), in collaboration with Vanderbilt University (VU) proposes to develop a state-of-the art Health Management System (HMS) system consisting of a small form factor GPS-enabled onboard computer, a small display for crew, and sensors for boat and engine vibration, OBD data, engine oil quality monitoring, and battery health monitoring. The HMS system will provide Wi-Fi and web interface for additional crew interaction and guided troubleshooting for maintenance personnel. It will interface with shore station to download data and support display, visualization and analysis of logged data. The key features of the HMS include: (a) Low hardware cost by leveraging industrial-grade computers ruggedized to military specifications, (b) Anomaly detection and prognostics for engine and battery health, (c) Intelligent logging of data, (d) shore based analytics and prognostics, and (e) Health management and guided troubleshooting capabilities with integrated ground station support. The proposed HMS will provide real-time diagnostics and prognostics capability resulting in improved operational readiness and lower life-cycle costs. While the target platforms proposed here are Navy power boats (PB34), the solution developed herein can be applied to a wide variety of vehicles and platforms, including ground vehicles, UAVs, unmanned boats and submarines.