SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Qualtech Systems, Inc. (QSI) and AVNIK Defense Solutions, Inc. (AVNIK) propose a model-based decision support solution for Naval Maintenance Training and Operations, leveraging commercial AR hardware such as Microsoft HoloLens. Our ARM-MADA (AR-driven Model-based Maintenance-training and Decision-support Aid) solution draws on QSI’s decades of experience in integrated fault management and supportability solutions and maintenance training for NASA and the DoD underlying its commercial toolset TEAMS® (Testability Engineering And Maintenance System), as well as AVNIK’s iOPRATE® software environment for DoD and NASA, to perform efficient maintenance in a ‘hands-free’ environment and perform training from remote locations. The solution aims to automatically guide technician through troubleshooting procedures by integrating a system-level TEAMS® reasoner with AR-based hands-free visual (gestures, eye-gaze) and auditory (speech-driven) interfaces. Additionally, nuances and additional maintenance information generated during the troubleshooting session can be captured and fed back to the depot to augment the underlying model and drive the in-house training activities. The solution provides a platform to organically grow its AR content through technician feedback from the field resulting in “continuous improvement process” for the Navy, resulting in a distributed maintenance and training ecosystem for the technicians and SMEs alike.