A SBIR Phase I contract was awarded to JPAnalytics LLC in October, 2021 for $139,901.0 USD from the U.S. Department of Defense and United States Navy.
The IRIS-Popoto Depth Capable System (DCS) brings the open-architecture versatility of the IRIS Platform and the proven undersea communications capability of the Popoto modem to any platform that must operate at full ocean depth. The IRIS and Popoto electronics are encapsulated in a small, lightweight, mechanically simple and relatively low-cost protective system that does not require large, heavy, costly or complex pressure vessels. With the pressure tolerance and protection system proposed here, other communications and sensing systems can be modified to operate reliably at full ocean depth. The proposed Phase I work will encompass the background work and demonstrate the advantages of the separate technologies that are developed. The Phase I base period will conclude with an at-depth demonstration of a simple but representative device operating at the pressure of full ocean depth