A SBIR Phase I contract was awarded to Continuum Dynamics Inc in August, 2020 for $123,144.0 USD from the NASA.
Ongoing work in ultra-efficient subsonic and supersonic air-vehicles clearly shows the potential of evolutionary and revolutionary concepts to meet the performance goals of future aircraft. With their incorporation of lightweight flexible structures, such configurations may require active/adaptive control systems for load redistribution, flutter suppression and gust load alleviation to ensure reliability and safety. Unfortunately, contemporary analysis methods are unsuitable for aeroservoelastic analysis of such configurations. Design tools are dependent low-fidelity approaches that are inadequate for reliably analyzing advanced configurations, whereas CFD coupled to Finite Element structural models require significant user input to define and support advanced configurations, not to mention extensive computational resources. A new efficient approach that automates the geometry setup, mesh generation, and assembly of fluid-structural coupling interfaces is needed for aeroservoelastic analysis of conventional and new concepts. To address this critical need, Continuum Dynamics, Inc. proposes the development of a variable fidelity CFD-based aeroservoelastic analysis to support vehicle design, active/adaptive control effector design and integration, as well as wind-tunnel/flight testing and control system development. Building on CDIrsquo;s legacy in relevant areas, the project emphasizes technology development to streamlines workflows and minimize user involvement associated with mesh generation and coupling fluid and structural models on dissimilar grids.