A SBIR Phase I contract was awarded to Blazetech Corp. in June, 2019 for $150,000.0 USD from the U.S. Department of Defense and United States Air Force.
BlazeTech Corporation is pleased to submit this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) proposal aimed at improving the ability to decelerate and slowdown hypersonic monorail sleds at the Holloman High Speed Test Track (HHSTT). Reliable deceleration is currently achieved up to 3,000 ft/s, but above that value such capability becomes less reliable. Customer interest at HHSTT is in the hypersonic velocity testing range from 4,000 ft/s to 7,000 ft/s and eventually up to 10,000 ft/s. We have conceptualized an innovative multi-staged deceleration scheme that satisfies the slowdown and G-load levels required for safe retrieval of experimental test items. During the Phase I we will investigate discrete and time-continuous staging methods, develop drag-enhancing area increases and plan for demonstrations of the new technology at HHSTT. Light weight and high strength area-increasing components will be designed, fabricated and demonstrated on sled deceleration experiments in Phase II. Applications of the new technology will be focused at the high-speed test track, but the interest in hypersonic technology by DoD will lead to future high-speed testing activities by the services, DARPA, MDA and their commercial aerospace partners.