SBIR/STTR Award attributes
New technologies like digital simulators (avatar) and augmented reality (AR) show promise in enhancing training for combat medics and advancing the treatment of time critical, traumatic injuries. Initial development efforts have focused on marrying synthetic content with a real-world view within the augmented reality environment. Great strides have been made to make this new viewing environment ubiquitous and familiar so that the medic is unencumbered and free to perform without restrictions. Creation of this foundational visualization environment represents a critical first step to further development of new tools for combat medics. Training applications and situational digital information seamlessly deployed within this visual environment must be developed to enhance combat medic capabilities. The addition of the digital avatar along with context driven, training applications combined in an augmented reality visual environment will enhance competency and efficiency of the combat medic. The consumption and manipulation of digital content using voice commands and simple hand gestures while still viewing the patient, frees the medic to remain completely focused on diagnosis and treatment. Training applications focused on time critical diagnostic and treatment procedures for traumatic injuries will improve survivability.